

Saturday 20 December 2014

Sheeple Pretender Camouflager Specialist Amass's ability: Silent Prosecution

In God We Trust
Live Free or Die
E Pluris Annum
Peace is Needed

      If there is any total thiefs, I would pick the sheeple roaches instantly.  I'd desginate them as pretenders as well.

      The fact that their population had never decreased despite World War 1, so called famine and diseases, World War II, Vietnam war and other such events (and outcries) full-handedly goes to show the sheer sophistication and grotesqueness of their willingness to fake emotions.

       Right now, the most horrifying and unimagiable terror is happening to our people.  We are being invisiblely reduced in numbers, by a group of massive-numbered conspired non-violence passive-aggressive zergers without much senses nor concious that pretend as one of us.
       Increasingly, our prominence as well has already been eroded somehow, by forces larger than its visible portion.
       In simplest terms, our strength simply has reduced; and that we have been weakened, done so by an invisible force.

How much more can life be than being slowly eroded away while (the same) groups of freaks chant "we are also one of you" "we are also one of you" in turning-back encirclement format?

These broods also curse us endlessly - if not to the extend of continueing fighting a predator (it deems) that's long already dissapeared.

To counter the sheepleroaches, these strategies are vaiable
- due to time frame purposes, refer to other posts of this blog for full details

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herein we provide

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