

Tuesday 1 March 2016

Prime Minister's Verses – Chapter Forte IlVV

It is rather the same monster from the
poems to the pandium descriptions.

The easier days are left for the later
eventual landslide combo ruin.

In these vicious place filled with 
vicious monsters doing the identical
if weren't for jeebus there may be
less of teamwork more of malicious trails,
or is suche an place would identical encarries
this similar mention, stell remain an mention of 
jeebus and similars.

The monsterous are to feign as weak when
convenient ever intertwine with the expectations
and behavior of others: there is an problem
with countering them when one couldn't
possiblely checked whether tempering was before.
eventual one does reach to vat the heck shrug and goe with it.

Finding out which forces or faction made the first
move may determine direct the overall result,
for sometimes an simple tiny difference edge
evetual compound and guarantee to an success vastly
more impossible to overcounter, while the opponent
side can be multiple faction of may be keep chasing
with the rather given on expectation of closer
and closer to victory.

When there are vicious questionable whether logic
'fugitives vicious at dramatizing in group volumns
leagues upon leagues of nameless unknown'istic to
entities as weak, the innocent get caught along
with it, receives zero net in benefit.

To speech is to declare, and to communicate,
this certain thoughts and process taken may be filtered

Things suppose were staten as 'real often finds itself
at least lots of versions enplus rather entire set
of stuff connectable toward.  This in ways arise from
how the objects and matters didn't change while
is the goal and intention, driven by motivation rather
determines the statement, which will be mentioned
of as if effect of the object.  by the time of receival
it will also be meddled as the object and matter
were as if it seems to be per casual.

The potency of lies are yet to be much understand
to an near veteran level.  Proper settlement of standard
would be layered around at the sufficient needed
to come out of certain troubles, true, and at
aisles of satisfactory level of preventions, minimize
concurrent troubles.

This veteran level includes the data of:
the distortionist besides able to introduce
self as something else, it is about to
hold larger, wider swings of mood falsehood.

|--------------|     compare to    |-----|

since the public aisle of way to reply is trained to answer
in correspondance in content and the current being in 
similar level of mood conditions.  the liarist are alwaysen
able to sway the mood to an alter change. this becomes
near none preventable and haven't at most preventable
especial uses cultural norm, civil responsility, social duty
acustom, notion, civil duty lane, in combination with
the large groups of strangerists and innocents caught
along to relative moderate'r innocents takes an specific
action at close aproximity: few won't be swindled not to stand if 
rest enthusiatic stand, same goes for laughter and any rather
motion signals, especial on the mood aspect.

Sometimes minor distortion or the mood swings
are 'playful regardable, when the relation became
hostile, with the 'contemptive magnitude equalvalent
of threats, then the war would commence, in abbriefen
mention, there coverageofe.

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