

Friday 2 February 2024

There is an acting force against us, should it be continue or still there, we'll act our best to prevent it, thus minimize its presence


There appears to be an acting force against us.

Whoever summoned (initiated) or may have caused it is responsible for this fore

We should not be the ones that are solely responsible for its keeping, meaning to handle it in proper ways

This force is strong as any other, and has just as much reason or least reason to be there holding 'truths' in that framework to be against us, whom are the ones they are against

Deterence can minimize its effort and presence, but to remove it in total, may require an astounding amount of efforts, and a time trail to workout its final results, whether be totally conquested, and removed, or not removed, which may mean that our teams are instead be subjugated under its rules, regulations and laws

That goes as much as details comes to it

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