

Monday 1 March 2021

Regarding Some 'Talks Pluslyismlis Discussions plus c rather also Convosations


et sort of et of recent et of sort of et some of tags et labels toot et of so et of, et additional tags et labels: , t'em rather te' rather et t'erm, blog, blogger, blogspot, app, some apps,  , white'isms, white'tish'nes, white'tish'es  , et sort of et of recent et of another et of title et title'ism et whether et from of rather et of sort of et of toot et of another et so et of some et cor'es rather et of sort of et of whether et of another et of some of topech'es et of toot et convos et convo'es et sort of et of another et of toot et of so et of? ` `  spicyham et some 'isms et of 's blogs et 'note'isms et 'blog 'entris rather et from of et of another et toot et of blog et sort of et of rather et of another et of some et of toot et of another et so et of blog'ism set of 'n rather et of 'noe et 'nors rather et 'noes rather et of from of et of recent et of another of et of sort of et of some of et rather et of from of et of whether et rather et of another et of sort of et of 'entris et of so et toot et of another et of et of some et sort of et of another et of regions, some citis, toronto regions, some of toronto areas, within , province of ontario, titlement'es, some et sort of titlement'ism set tile'es rather et of title'es et title, et of blog entri et entri'ism notes et of  saga, venture'isms, completion'isms, acheivement'es, acoml rather et of acomplishment'es et sort of et of another et of some et of isms et another et of toot et so et of,

So an white person is not allowed to that, et erm et sort of why?

I am an whit person

that's an white person

an p rather white person is quite proper also whitty

an whitty person is thus et sorta charismatic

some charismatic'isms are our essences?

do not toss white'nes u cultures rahter out windows, that's gonna injure some walkers!

we white people knows how to walk also how to talk!

that could be an phone dial from an white person!

some of white nations are one of the most tactically et also strategically advanced, we doesn't require some of other nations et wheher et about et toot so of allis' rebursements? duh!

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