

Monday, 18 July 2022

Some Orch rather Orc'ish Quotes and words















Dewj Vac(k)

Anner(il i* ;i)soda


Saturday, 16 July 2022

From August 27st, 2014 year - about , coonsi rather considerable of abbout rather rechecked of recent occasion

 ✫ Never underestimate the weak  
Passive-aggresivecists drive this world

Besides their trait of often going overboard, they also pays no attention to side effects.  Being dirty is also a habit.  Unbeautifies the surrounding

From the looks what seems to be a weak little fragile harmless being, can use police protection as a weapon to kill anyone they could

and when they kill, it's often far lesser moral or concious than any other so called villians we been told to - burglars, jewlery store thiefs and etc

This brings onto the topic - if it is police's duty to uphold justice, then it's contradictionary action for them to help the business runners which some of whom are passive-aggressivist in over-defending(ly) their intergrity and social presence

From Nov 17st, 2015 year, considerable pasted or copy also pasted from rather whether another tab or text region or app rather entry rather 'ish rather panel a rather whether also resemble

Zergs being level 10 mentions wat is qualified and wat is unqualified

those are unqualified, (but) the z3rgs (couldei) tvmake them qulified

how, if not by an gan`g

will tackle forth, robotic monotone sounden this mayben

the warriors does return the callings, catch up to trust loan duelages

and will deforce forth than divource the cullings, globalvi  globally (likeyen this, for final'er c0pyen, c0pen)

From APril rather April 6th, 2014 year


te quicke save'e herein  some howe paste nope there

From May 10th, 2016 y rather 2016 rather 2015 Year; or ; year

World is
nothing yet everything.

no sides yet all sides

this poetry is under the effect of its own statement

unreachable, infinity.

From February 9th, 2016 year - some mentions or statements also text also lesser of whether quotes

1) the 7-billion are ever tumour spreading
2) it traverse on course of ever busybusy
3) majority of urbansectors are under thisdirect shameless enemnen's control
4) the underling boss rarily aclaimes with taunte and brag
5) an foremost aggressive dysfunction yet to bei matched with mops

it labels each fish as shark's when suitable
the pokemons as animaws an collective

this is the pinnacle of naz!sm dysfunction is,
an blackhole unreproducable in biological
laboratories out of research fictions or films, true. extremism of aggression.

providence mentionherein forthe
are unintenvature ofe providing worthe,
whiche includes regular trespronoun,
providence terms, phrases, sentences
or paragraph

recent also would be; whether also more of newly added; less of or lesser of adden of word also:
tei(h rather ch)y'ee'tei aeteioet'aartsen

from March 21st, 2016 year: oui the tag dide drain awaye

with the  tes varte copi and pasten onto  at wishe and griupe tappi scoobi doo and bunche wishe ite wase

anume' annuel, annual'um, were cnaidered of, may vanish if does then here doen't locatvate

there, in suta le fontei alsoe  ite's been optima zier'er onto  speede efficientei rr  or tee trailing worthe there

ofe typen model' can ben mention,  can bei describen asen

later can bei whether ase vei'e posten onto google plus'e page'e or'e (whether) ase page' hm" or'e hm'e te' on whether on' and'e there te' hm' ` te' te or'e te' there withr quote marke te m soon adde'en ` and te' also te' soon paste'en. te ise ofe te two on both'e than ise, ofe te three

whether recent' ase'e

and'e whether ase' nope

te'necessaei ge' recent

tem or'e te' reflectn

can regard to' ase m!nor or'e

te' there'  ase te' ofe whether

ase ofe'

google plus'e page was'e recent ofe mentn'e te
te' agree'e te' to'  can vei ofe te' mentn'e te' poste'age' te' here'e

From May 26, 2016

alteration may be, whether rather thus also some resemble variants of statements or text also words whether words also similar version also 'duplicate or also r instead of rather , rather copy and paste? rather :  later can bei whether ase vei'e posten onto google plus'e page'e or'e(whether) ase page' hm" or'e hm'e te' on whether on' and'e there te'hm' ` te' te or'e te' there withr quote marke te m soon adde'en ` andte' also te' soon paste'en. te ise ofe te two on both'e than ise, ofete three

From May 27,, 2016, probable and I r or think rather whether thought of, aldo rather also definate

The previous abd much pr'e or'

countavle sse reclaim uage'e te' hm
te' m!nor this'e

revnstrucnt tem was'e

now'e te" (coulde getting onto')
ghd, vat does ite ghd" do' other than offer
the ghd vibe, the nope muche restrain
how muche consideravle not ofe fugitive moderniti te' vata sse te' worde there
soggish fume te' give te m to'

te m ofe'e

an reaso sounde file ise te , been ofe'e on
and'e te m te   sov'e there ise te vuche te' mwterial ofe or'e sov'e typen withoute may hit tem or stroke' tt or'e te' to' or'e te m vouche te hm' or'e te' van vei or'e can vei te' (use'e) te m (to' whether te m or'e whether to' ofe'e