

Monday 8 December 2014

An Updated Address on the Sheeples

dragon returns

When sheeples get energized and treated well, they do not grow to our size - they become more specialized in sheeple talents.

The Zionist financial groups are treating these as if they are lesser copies of Kings and Dukes or weaker versions of Mozart or Hans Zimmer - a blunder that needs to be confronted.

Zionists expect the peasant amass to care about room for flying, or to perform in excellence level - sheeples don't mind if the rights of phoenix are removed!  The chickens can live just as well.  Their goals are well completed!

Once a sheeple is forever a sheeple. 

They are not weaker version of us, but are different.

This specialist of two-facedness and cancer number-based cheating abilities bunch, this two-leg cancer, this honor-tossed-away bus load of wussiness and fermentating tumour deserve all the forces the righteous party can output.

To fight enemy, start from friends. 

Sheeple is the enemy - a blockade on the progress of civilizations! 

Upon seeing one of our guys stand up and hail a storm to the Sauron demonic forces, these wussy continue to play friends and down the atmosphere to the same dread it always wanted, so it could swim better and such!  These wussies cast self as equalvalent to our people though are fundamentally different.  Moreover, these cancers numerous times attempt to harm through delay and weaken, if not straight up violence it has the capacity to handle!

They will continue to cast self as our equal in all acts it could perform, and it will continue to use our guys whom which are capable unlike them - disability wussies who can't handle real situations, as shields.  When real engagement comes, it will speak in verses as if they are in with us together giving the suggestion to dodge confrontation simply because its wussiness has problem with!

Then we'll erase such sicklies/disability/undead and liberate the entire globe!  Hoorah!

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