

Sunday 7 December 2014


— suppose we have a holocaust 2 in this world, nothing bad would come, nothing would change
— the fiends praise themselves by measuring their fiend abilities with others while never seeing their lack of logic in this move conciously for some reason
— without fools, scam organizations cannot exist
— the existence of a large liar citadel mirror-indicates the presence of a humongous force of fools
— placing a warrior disarmed next to a muscleless soft-killer aggressor whom which disguises as 'just weak' means bad outcomes for that disarmed warrior
— locking a chicken up in a palace is technically not imprisonment, chicken feels too estatic to ever want to leave
— calling a chicken a bird is not an insult, though to phoenix is
— sheeple amass cleverly try everyway to diminish the existence of level, but highlights solely a set of sheeple constructs such as ethnic group or geographic origins.  They do this ruthlessly with the KFC energy and such without ever spoken of a thank you
— these are not weak, a lesser version of normal folks, but are vile, and different version: utter inner soft-kill aggression, and zero appreciation attitude

— poisonous and non-poisonous (noble; strength-based) ways have fundamental differences: the breathing patterns, habits, timing, anatomy, organic hormones and etc. all differ
— an exclusive poison sac organ is required in order for high mastery (level) of poisonous abilities
— strength and vilelism are two branches: these two hold non-transferable property with one another

— sheeple amass, the proficienters of the poisonous talent tree branch, specialists in faking emotions, being two-faced, fast facial expression and gesture switch plus general cheating and fraudant slurpy behaviors.  This two-leg unliving type attempt at blanding everyone with grey color or shuffled false cateogories.  They also seek the convention and habit of skipping characteristic examination when looking at someone(s).  Sheeples wish to see nobles and peasants be named in same category, two persons unrelated called by same rankings and given same treatment.  
— sheeples hold bachelar degrees of mimikery and slimey-cology
— they happen to be also phDs in phony words and dishonorable conduct: would spontaneously romanticly indulge into a scene, put up a role enter a character of choice upon callings, doing so as quick as an octopus flipping colors: yes, any character, whether judges, victim, sympathezier, opinionator, commentator, orator, random passer-by, observer, witness, legitimate citizen, immigrant, cultural representative, idea offerist: at levels of not just acting but romanticly acting
— bonus: this century old residue of humanity often toss around "ha such good acting" phrases and the like at a TV sitcom in attempt to hide own proficientcy


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