

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

On Sheeple Amass (On Both Evolved and 'Regular' Types)

Micro-Glutton Pudges
The glutton utter greed levels of the sheeple restless amass does seem to excel over the height of mount everest.

Clueless Greed
An century ago they got shampoos, soap, piping systems, water filtration systems, electricity.  Then they wanted cars and bus tickets, and they got it.  Now they are craving and aggressively "asking" for plane tickets and personal jets.

Virus-like Behavior
Everytime they receive some luxury form of welfare, these peasant type of humanoids show zero appreciation, but constant disatisfactory.

Pudge-lord Attitude Possesserists
Toward businesses, these two-legged cancer clueless vile cunts (insufficient description hereunder still, hehe) seek submission, as oppose to business partnership nor healthy customer relations.

        For combatting and identifing the wicked peasant amass, it's might be best to use feelings & intuition, as oppose to logic and thoughts.  Thoughts are often easily diluted by trickeries and other malicious-scented doings.  While emotions and intuition aligns with the stars, the sun, the celestrial energy (of the entire universe) which remains true throughout the days, and nights.
         With the initial set of dollars in income, they were able to slowly push from that initial landing footholding towards more access, privilege, street collision size and so on.  Their barbaric passive-aggressive vile-taintful manner has no bounds.  Suppose folks from 1880s were to come to streets of today, their reactions would be somewhere around steaming choo-choo train raging.
          In a world without sharks nor bears, nor tigers.  Surely then any type of villain creature would not be stopped.  The bunnies and porks are either too nice or too weak to combat the capable villains.  And the villains tend to be capable, as for one, their moral upkeep is nearly zero, and second, they often gamble: so though a portion of them lose the bet, the ones remain does make it and get to reproduce, so then the cycle continues.
           Some of the sheeple amass are a bit more complex than the simple model of hyena parent-hood reproduction type of cycle: a portion of the unhealthy humanoids don't take on breeding.  It's usually these ones that end up recruited to dark causes or various cabals.
             In that way, some dark cults and deceptionists movements were able to grow slowly and surely quietly and silently in size and prominence over time.  Thanks to Roothenchild's neon sight which itself put up for own doings, those new villain groups managed to benefit much from.  To this day, the Roothenchild cabal thinks themselves are the only cabal in this world.  In their view, there is gangs, drug cartels, nations, governments, puppet states and non-puppet states, independents, republicans, government-affiliated groups, volunteers, militants, military, civilains, diplomats, public and private sector, national socialists, communists, criminals, judges, news reporters, and so on.  And that themselves is the only cabal there is.  Though in reality the sheeple amass may be also a cabal, and a one that's larger than they are.
            Thanks to all the foods and nutrients, the shampoo, world-class edu, and years on end of pouring free TVs and shopping freedoms.  These sheeples had evolved to super sheeples.  Now they are capable of writing sophisticated comments which almost all unwatchful eye could easily fly away trusts to.
             News agency journalists is a good example of such super sheeple types.  These breeds of vilelist mediocrists often put out articles that shift if not sometimes bluntly direct towards sheeple agendas.  Every often then we hear "139 killed" or "15 injured" loud shouts from those anonymous stranger speakers.  The goal include to shorten details, so that everybody becomes the same as a sheeple.  They seek to reduce the gap and reconized achievement also of nobles and sheeple lazy cheaterists like themselves are through this hideious toxic poisonous goo-ey manner.
                Another great example of sheeple-journalists' venomous pieces is the often heard jabba-jabba about some poverty rates.  Again they phrase the words in such way as if it's our responsibility to care for stranger sheeples who which will never do the reverse.  It's also saying that they are same rarity as us, though in absolute terms of reality: a jozart is probably unique and irreplacable, while those number-based clones should be counted 100 at a time.

Give the sheeple amass a thousand years of self-reflection, and they will only see supreme god, fear, desperation, gamble, delusion, virus-behavior, cancer and so on.  

This malicious humanoid type should be reconized by global agencies as the source of terror.

Any civilizations tainted with such decays is bound to fallback a thousand years fold in morals.  Nothing in the world is more hideious than empowered concious-less persons (2-legs) thinking they can do things right.  Such entities are perhaps the common enemy of good & evil.

Pouring resources to the so called 'weak' is perhaps a fundamental error, for this very true reason: noble folks take care of the poor.  Poor persons take care of themselves.

From this we derive that the right way to help everybody really indeed is to give fair amount if not all the resource to the most strong and healthy (implies the adj noble), while giving all resource to the poor would ensure the neglect of the good folks.

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