

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

National Security Agency - Files: Photos of Misbehavior_3-053-100

Elected peasant zergs using their welfare keyboard
and elected free time to combat (beating when the
victim is down) normal people behind a screen
using mimikery english and passive-aggression.

Upon sighting of an vulnerable person,
with disregard to its origins and
context of the situation, the passive-aggressive
elected peasant amass jump on the
unprotected person 
Negligence of self-development at sametime
attacking an vulnerable person shamelessly
out in the open.  These attacks being zerg
form of attacks go without consequences,
for the current law miss-registers minor
level of aggression.

Elected peasant member refuse to let
go of its privilege nor come to a single
recognition of it, not a dust particle.  
Instead resort to gimmiky sentence
mimikeries labelling others as evil.
It justfies its rich welfare as earning,
as result of its work.  While others'
tragedy and inequal treatment
as due to their imagined laziness.
This peasant opens its mouth
confidantly as if had surveyed
its safety bearings associated
with its police protection.  It
seeks to preach the public, as if
they are our president.

Condemning innocents, and using
mediocrist ways to elevate self's
impression as oppose to true skill or
character is the first thing they do
after getting a keyboard. While the science
magazine sits on the shelf never touched
by them, supposedly because they are
too abused to 'afford it'.

Endless, mass amount of peasants
roam free in this country, most of
whom reside around urban centres.
Toward son of a prime minister
they put on completely different
emotions than toward general people.
Upon questioning of its mimikery-like
smiles, they disclose it as: I am just
ugly. Or by the phase, I am just weak.
These muscle-less bandito in mass numbers
traverse on edge of law.  Ruthlessly
seeking troubles though it is
a welfare state they are in.

These ones are a whole 'nother
level of meaning of dege.
Their grotesque mouth boosted
by KFC, shampoo, pro-sheeple-ism,
the welfare state, sheeple buying power,
various policies and etc exanduates
the meaning of dege. At sametime
reflects to us the meaning of righteous:
what is it like to be honest and sincere.

These faceless elected peasant fiends
dare to preach to us about life, tell us
what we should do, openly
and confidantly, as the previous
cases we've seen: had surveyed
their safety and are certain themselves
will remain police protected for a fair
length of time.

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