

Thursday 1 October 2015

Close Recalls

1. there is an reason someone walks out of the banshee offered norm does many of these friendlies somehow vanish to otherwhere
2. zergples' hobbies are for attrition of effort purposes than hobby
3. walking out of zerg's established zergnorms are thick walls. reporting them are an elven thicker wall: major effort stacked at those podiums
4. zergs been taking bold risks in attempt to borrow enough trust loans to overthrow the truster
5. bold, an contridiction element to zergs' base priority, once again, the pattern of life re-emerges: contridiction element is often its best recalls
6. zergs demonstrate way too good of an understanding of the system to be not an maker of it, at sametime with lucious fancy expressions: the careers, college, job meetings and all
7. stuff caused by zergs become blamed to the jewels, while jewel's problem are due to the other puppet. could it not be unlike zerg's dodge demonstration: that an orchestrator generate an puppet that's an orchestrator, while self relieves on the exterior 'outside'

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