

Tuesday 2 January 2024

"Slow ('ish)" Typings


We are not the best

We are the best

We are not one of the nicest

Who else is there to tell old stories to?

Why bother to be selected and ousted right from the party?

The tales unfolds, and the old biships has a new salleo

Sail to be known, to venture into the deep, and by being known to the unknown, we serve what's needed

Necessary it is time to ever venture far to the caves

Over here, over here, there are many things to collect

By the merchant stall, or near the streets, keep your pockets sound, and your bags with you

Who knew, that no one can tell the stories until it was the time to be

Such are of the makings

What's needed and necessary is for us to peserve, than as muchly go against or battling the artificial deepfakers

Longing for the stories to be told, is a generational activity

Who knew how many trees listened to us, the one of the Oldie Folks

Rivers and river beds, the sea salts and river streams together weave an enchanted song that lasts eternally and lasts eventually to us all, of which is to be shared forever

Crossing roads, setting leafs, and collecting flowers for the hermits without degrees

Settle down, saddle up, the flowers are in the beds for oldie parks

I will leave some rest for some of u, to be shared, forever (...)

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