

Sunday 14 December 2014

Reports Say: Sheeples Now Run The Globe

= discounting their police protection aside, for the monetary gains alone the sheeples together is the #1 consumer economy, and is bigger than the top 7 nations combined

- the police protection had enabled them to perform passive-aggression at full throttle

- the amount of threatening power of a wrestler is far lesser than that of a randomer vileling nowadays.  Our folks too could not possiblely threaten anyone, and needless to say be able to out-threaten the passive-aggressive amass.

- besides the league of ugly, we also have failure imposter male whom calls themselves as fellow european at our backs

- Zergs now run rampant free, they could actively and boldly without any guarding nor caution, not a single trace of cautious approach, threaten others, exerting that so called social pressure of theirs, if not sometimes eluded as "just advice" or "comments" with a thick layer of coating.  Thank goodness for their natural lack of supreb abilities and talent, their objectives are rarily fullonset completed.  Nevertheless, with their monsterous number, their tiny bitings add up to formiddable portions.

This lazy, ungentle, two-faced professional,
uglitized, soul-less, delusional, cerebralum,
ugly, disappreciative, vile, peasantry, lowclass,
moral-abandoned, honor-less, poisonous cheatful
peasant mass
enfuses their latest copied peudo-science or logic
with their usual raw worm-like savagery
for exerting threats
to all of the normal folks.

They tend to condemn the sheer-barbaric types 
(the ones that act quick and apparant) 
of their colleagues whom are identical specie as 
they are, out of the hopeful 
of gaining some trust of which to be utlized. 

- the increasing many monogamy-stemmed males is turning into a growing problem as well: it gets bigger everyday.  This failure impostry group consumes our structure from below, and inside our walls.  They also are a great revealer of the heavy deterioration of these castle walls.  We had to find them from the indicators we had observed: which were that the walls themselves were impossible to erode this quickly on their own even by the worst weather conditions plus various other factors combined.  We could not ignore this source of death & decay either.

- our lovely gentle geeks of computer-science disipline and other degrees are working for the wrong master day in and out while selling their start-up made products or services for underprice and value and in addition often some to the enemy forces.  We thank them for their de-tribution.

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Some of our innovators and creative folks publish their findings and ideas through books and guides resulting in the empowerment and rise of the fake-intellectuals whom which has the free time and access for.  These elected-peasant-from-stemmers aggressively use their unqualified gains as bargain if not ransom chips, an utter demonstration of ruthless and unappreiciative behavior.  Often, these bio cancers taunt our people under the skin of logic when in reality it's pesudo fake logic with sheer deadly threatening behaviors, during times of activity or "competition, something an act only the vilelism specialist bunch could pull off of!  Yet while in front of the camera, the official visits, and whenever eyes are watching, they plea unfairness and inequality still.  Further down the line, while all of that, they even dare to label our guys as lazy, incompotent, cheatful if not downright guilty of war crimes, for playing fair and achieved more (getting ahead), ha!
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Again and again I had sounded the bell for New World Order to listen.

     Judging from current situation, a total political strike of scale of blood running everywhere in the streets may be absolute necessary.  Things had become mishaped to the conditions that additional patching and no kinds of medicine can heal this infested tree.  A total restart from the fundamental, down to the very roots would have to be taken place, something the majority of the Volks would take glorious part on.  
     The masses' numbers had simply grew to too large of a number to quarantine and reason with.  But a barbaric thrust to the bellies of this great shade instead!  Additional time given for the masses to roam free and continue to receive power will result in the even further decline of nobility class which no longer exist in reality while may seem hidden in the preception level given by the photoshopped ads.  
      Slowly over time, this mass, this bio hazardous chocking mass had alienated lions successfully, and installed various faulty notions plus numerous numbers of unecessary procedures all of which were bought in place for the sake of their undoings.  This norm had became a sheeple-infested norm, twisted and uglified as they are.  Tigers' global numbers are right now a lil bit less than none, at about six thousand in total, while their own numbers: a 6,000,000,000, with 9 zero's at the end, yet looking to be still continueing!  This butcher of farm creatures and wild life will pay a heavy price.

Great thing about irreversible situation is that it allows our

The sheeple amass is a permanent problem that calls for a permanent solution

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