

Sunday 14 December 2014

War with the Zergs - A Situation Update

Elected peasant numbers are increasing by the minute.

They are growing and are continuing to grow.

This appreciation ever-filled with utter aggression bunch often purposely does tango and argument, so to lock-on the current inequal and the overpour of resources and access to themselves.

These greed-filled cheat-attitude phony-acting-based bio hazardous should be immediately reconized as a global terrorist group by various International agencies.

These laws should be re-affirmed and set in stone:
I)  Defensive creature does not exist.  Everyone is as much of an aggressor.
II)  All actions can be violence.
III)  The term non-violence is barbarism in malicious disguise.
IIII)  Lions are not brutal thoughtless creature that eat everything on its path.
IIIII)  Soccer players are not poetry-less brute-pork-heads

Art needs to be held at same regard as pesudo-science and other impostry versions of the real thing such as programming, coding and chemistry.

One thing in need of highlight is how that most portion of the programming discipline is heavily infested by ugly-ism still.

Perhaps the least genuine and decent while at sametime a most pinnacle example of zergetry would be the 1990s kids.  Majority of this demographics group had been offspring of most indecent parents and unreputable (also dysfunctional) families.  The best of those are perhaps some type of disability humanoids.  These 1990s, 2nd generation foul kids tend to be strengthed versions of the darkness inside their parents' heart.  If aliens were to look at earth, they would be seeing a new specie of humanoids being born (brood).

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