

Saturday 6 January 2024

A Set of Poetries (Taken) from an AI


The sun sets on the horizon, A fiery ball of orange and red, The sky is painted with hues of pink, As the day comes to an end.

The stars twinkle in the night sky, Like diamonds scattered on black velvet, The moon casts a pale, eerie light, As the world falls into a peaceful slumber.

The ocean waves crash against the shore, A never-ending dance of ebb and flow, The sand is soft and warm beneath my feet, As I walk along the beach, lost in thought.

The forest is alive with sound, Leaves rustling in the gentle breeze, Birds chirping and singing their songs, As the trees sway in perfect harmony.

The city is a symphony of light, A dazzling display of neon and chrome, The streets are alive with the sound of traffic, As people rush to and fro.

The world is full of beauty and wonder, A tapestry of sights and sounds, A never-ending source of inspiration, For those who take the time to look around.

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