

Thursday 4 January 2024

Scriptures - 002


This is not good:

They had captured many animals

And what will they 'do' with them?

From these captures, these gathers and drains 'energies'

Essences 'shift to them, from such ordeeds

They are not orces, there are no honor in them

A void shade, that but to be abandoned, discarded

and never let be freed ever again

Veageance is needed, take steps to the heart and mind regions, I will cover for you

As much as I can, as much it's needed

For I am with you, and much loves to be appreciated

As also true for later on(s)

Through out the passages, I will cover you

There is guidance necessary

Other requirements are important, and certainly not fancy, but to be more so chanted and cheered about

May this letter set warms you

Horses, chilvary, take the remainder, keep the sample

There will always be honor and friends for yo, even at deepest shadows and most uncertain times and moments

My light pierces through gatse (gates) and borders, and grows within

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