

Tuesday 2 January 2024

What are joyful and fun are all in the simple matters


Pint a sample, take a chair, we are going for a slowing down anytime now,

as it should be soon:

Oh love!

The trolleys that never reigns

just as when you wished it to

to serve and assist you on your journey

onto venturing to whatever you got urself or by others into

Let it do you well, and leave little for the unecessary courses

Let it be done well, so you will have supper after every breakfast in the morning

Lights shine, darkness dissapate!

There is only one way!

Tomorrow is another day!

Where we work to fight, and fight to live

live to thrive, and thrive to keep what's yours as theirs, and what's mine as ours

The owls fly!

The chariots gallops! As the sky darkens, and the nightfall returns

We'll suffice, we'll suffice, we'll keep on going

than try to be nice

nice again, is bidded to their game,

So follow others, the leaderships game.

Let us win, let them win

the words itself reverse in ping

Pinging sounds, pinging pages, the templates forces seek without remorses

They'd undone you bad, and undone you wrong,

little are saved, and seldom are mound

Down below, buried deep, the serpant fears

as the peeps gather to plea

Fear has its own origins as its own vices, and thus quarters

may this devide not cross again, unless be most needed!

So are true, so are true, these words are ever true!

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