

Monday, 15 December 2014

On Pazi Merchantdry

• We shall end the pazi merchantdries

• Scams tend to work for
it's preparation vs natural visits.
for it's experienced frauderist
vs an inexperienced customer
(one has its words and phrases memorized, the other is new)

• they are not like bunnies or pandas,
bunnies don't put spells on us.

• for the counter that say bunnies
could be advanced tricksters since
a really pro hypnotizer would seem
the same innocent, we say:
there can exist an innocent creature though,
and bunny is such type

• a major weakness of road fraud indeed is that
the time to formulate a fraud is longer
than exposing it

• it's exact this tiny minor difference
that makes all the difference

• fraudrists smile at the reward
of gotten ahead from each slow chipping,
while little do they know themselves
are sinking further into never-return abyss

• indeed though, to most, it is 
not a poor choice at all, since their chance
ended several years ago, and that
the road of fraud at least may have
higher chance also guaranteed
less suffering than the deadend one

• frauderists can't be that weak,
otherwise they would not be around.
Things often balance out a bit
for things that are in often balance:
in this case, the frauds get an relative
earlier ahead for eaching fraud it successfully
achieves on the chosen customers, which
is at about nearly 99% success rate.  
These small yet numerous gains
balance out the devestating defeat ahead
of them a little

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