I am a warlock.
My last name is Mr.Child
This has very good reasons for.
- firstly the goyims think they are adults when in reality they child
- also child habits are tied in pure-er form with instincts and pre-programmed reactives (reflexes), whereas adult habits are dilutions with social analogies plus randomness of events and other inpurities such as sales representative's tellings
- in addition, as a warlock I keep my distance away from family emotions and involvement. Let the worlds around me, events, facts, things stay in descriptive and analytical format, so that my organized ways and decision making skills match in parallel play
Blackjack is one of our ceremonial artifact. We may also call it our symbolism.
Baccarat is also another.
These games like the slot machines and unfixed stock market share the common trait of counter-naturalis, aka unorthodox.
1. When player wins, the tendency is to bet more, which contridicts with optimum play
11. When player lose a round, the tendency is to big more immediately, which contridicts as well
111. When player lose a round, the tendency is to bet small in the next 2-3 rounds afterwards, which contridicts optimum play also
1111. When player wins often, he becomes unprepared for the unoccured, eventually brings to resulting in a devestating crash/defeat or loss
11111. When player loses an upset, the tendency is to ignore the big opportunity which is the bigger upset followed soon after
111111. When player plays, he plays it as if to impress an invisible force of energy, shifting focus toward showing willfulness to serve; royalty, than aiming for the gains (hint hint: gotta impress and stay impressive to ladies)
(though we need to concious address byherenow that the (perhaps a large) portion of want for play from lots of players come from the threatening authoritive force behind telling them to try these games)
(the hint hint part was later added, so to shortcutdown on less-apparantness, so to speakza)
Side philosophy:
He who prioritises only child-like activity such as coin hoarding will slowly fade out, becoming replaced by an overwhelming force of worshipers of whores instead. Such is the paradoxic nature, of nature. (billionaires will lose to wild hooligans or even dimwit kidnappers wanna-be's)
What one thought couldn't be more logically-sounding and fool-proof turns out as proven by concrete facts & evidences of nature is a fallacy in itself. For what actual right doing isn't carried onward with flaws. Perhaps due to the fundamental philosophical fact that nature is made up of or built by fallacies that these perfectly-logical ideas couldn't work out.
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