

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

The Ever So So Handsome Malicious Delicious (Defect) Humanoids

As glutton as they are, the sheeple cancer amass is going for more wealth than their necessasity, at way beyond level, doing so aggressively.  

Birth defect and disability humanoids' numbers are going more and more.  We've seen the skyrocketing of these types over the last 50 years.  These weakling (often vile) sauces will never join us in creating a true human kingdom.  Upon sight of the dictator authority they do the most vile there is: more than negligence & ignorance, but potraying them as super unbeatable and super tough as if themselves are our equal and we should feel the same!

Goofy person does goofy things.
Ugly person does ugly things.
There exists very good reason they do these odd activities and reacts or behaves in certain ways.  Whole lump sum of defect humanoids deserve to be severely punished into slavery perhaps, for their payments overdue.

Soldiers, noble folks, models
and anyone with some
vigilance in them get
repulsed by these ugly fiends
is not something out of my surprise box.

The 2-leg defects of all variations
deserve to meet their expiration

As a pristine example: those
with serious physical weakness
often try to smudge over-emotion
whenever the festivity could stem.
They do this out of their 'clever' idea
of thinking by putting those extra events
which often involves use of ugliness
and social spits, confrontation
would seize to exist.

Such virus thinkers should be all wiped out~

Barbaric mediocrtry-performed theft of income and welfare systems is piles on end from these 2-leg psycho bunch.  Ruthlessly ever exploiting the system risking their lives to the max.


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