

Tuesday 15 September 2015

Letter on Criminal Broodlings (Uncaught later elected thiefs)

additional tags: eerie transt0rmed by g0yim's hideious. those kniferist never exit, butcher career change, an userist, not an founder,  herald of the storm, rav3nsh!r3, th3 m3divh, tags transportei, cloud, demistify, expression: it is the truth therein, oui rather, spoke an gnome per say, use of this comedy term does not speak for an z3rg free zone or era, serenity shield, defence manuvered out of this feign weakness gang control,  additional tags transport: new w0rld 0rder missed the d0ing, wrapped by eg0,   there could be many to m3ntion, and wish to denounce at once, oui true,  rapid fast typing, invisible ink now on, while during typing this phrase and the one beforen, m!nor denoten, oui

1. When an zerg broodling male announcer talk as if were top of the world, there is seldomly an pause, or question of deterrency.

2. The beta broodling males are to compete against us, in which venomous unways.

3. The broodling males are userists, appreciatively using the manuals as proof of its 'greatness', the sweaty eerie version, through friendly manneres. An dramatist eerie fiend with no respect to lions.

4. The broodling males feign weakerness in general phases and then pop on its 'strategy' of an group cartel show where each are funneled toward the same result yet pretend as showhost commentating to non-reliant unrelatable competitors bidded against each other. Through hassle and dassle, the retained effect is enriched. And existing benefitting jackpots are ankled further.  This was an divison of the 72,000 strong other broodling male identical slime dege looter paste gang which operates without banners.

5. These criminal dramatists ever borderlining law and passive-aggressive with anguish and dread spreading could be demonstrating the highest aggressive impulses. yet it will somehow land to the putin being the aggressive boss and all that powerful. are they really.  looks like not many are actually humans and are with the normal folks.  

6. The broods ensimilar to zergs could live in royal style for who they are, with everything settled to them.  And yet the new world order banks would somehow take advise from fellow zerg employees on the suggestive worth of next agenda or edict.

Lord Roothenchild to
dear friend and allies of
the Diagoma Republic
of Spinhx Galaticas

Sept 15, 2015 A.D.
Earth's 2nd moon, Juvian

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