

Tuesday 1 December 2015

Prime Minister's Towel Points

something about tapping and clicking perhaps changes an bit
the enfeeblement which describable asen, describe asen: insist the 'rush hurry, erratic fitten, may also be dampener
the right to left 'written, typen scripture 'systems  terhaps, terperhaps,  idle aisles, ruse, girrafes (maybe minor further away, than other instance of usual 3 item calling, may be literalization a vit there,  maybei the enfeeblements activating, does it rearise when there is newer bolts, hm, it does generate agitative, the unpcea of the  skeletals, how about this, as the mention, in this instancia th3r3, choise picking, smaller fontei, at which applicables, this one phrase certainvei (and thi'sen)      :additional tags

Whom is going tobe their godfather?

Wat is creative should take on an unifying perstance, meanwhile it is taken an devisive strategy by the some of the app makers, this goes rather pocus.

The creative elements, service and products should not lie, for it uses the unity as best of its gains, energy.  

While the gimmickeries should or 'should do as much of an lie as they can.

It is nonessential for an social reputable to throw away their reputations.

Ultimately theones which behold the unlock technology to the important, ultimater, majoro ones would have to be data pure, and this sublimes with the absence of those amist, and currentvei social manipulations which covers asen an appropiate legitimate.

The names, true data of the apes, to the other many currentvei colleague in an 2015 a.d. eera would circavent, converge to the unlock point in mention.

An anticipation the usual engine of everyday lives of every bodies, everyone, keeps the social bonfire which e'lite without 'someones's notices.  The phrase there can also be singular format, form.

On the public side, of considering of an overhaulvei of the meducation system up starting from age of 15 to age of 18 as an optional gymnasium, an sort've reminesence restorage of the older times (poland, stalingrad eras), may be great or dampen as follows:
 + great economic production 
 + greater mobility, lives up to principalis of transparency as layed out in the first set initial base home set of principle order, onseek to new words latervei
 + optimizable health for every citizen card holder, theones applicable by from this 'meducation system' mention as ise
 - increased birth rates, teenager hooligans out of control, there are and shall be minimally those types staying, in sigifnicant enough, collosal numbers, above regulatorable thresholds
 - against remaining dominionlism dysfunctionalism eera's groups and party banners
 - implementable during 'peace, very 'peace peace would result in unjoyous, shakiness, undesirable, suitable effect of out of american dreams which should be locked, kept withen: which mechanically arised from the much anticipated knowing of self rather in control and certain are simply meant to be this way, cannot be changable. once changed, without an leverage enough persuation, results in undesirable for bothen and othera parties (optional: perhaps also) apparanci of rules rather crunch all of them together like steel walls in abrrieven a'n mention
 - the absene of the suitable discipline and belty, which prepares them for colleges. in collection to the birth rate mention: the now before, older or older regimes began implemntation of thisn to reduce the population expansion, the birth rate flat out across the population, targetting on, would result in projection, anticipation relative more effects on the 'lower socio cultural class, we may had improved the wordo there an vittle bit: from socio-economi into socio cultural, which reflects itei ise

Coin and the general ticket redempship program can be stayed. There had been request, yellings level, magnitude of, which were fine, appropiate, so ontei, of abolishing the printing presses. Now it is fully abolished, or, depending, or abolished, though everyone knows the code from an diety perspective, this was never the intention, nor anyone would care once reachen peace, and harmony returning, ah, give it an moment of enjoyment ontei thate onenei.

This circulation of coins and paper tickets, gives the business, and the city places an whole new meaning, expressional remarken there, teverthelessn (also 'decorative remarken there, perhaps, decorativeperhaps).  Folks, citizen card holders, possible tefugees like to have this sort've stuff, when conducting with strangers, and at the urban pittles.  It turns out the religious devotional sensation portion of ite, gives this religion high.  When the dollars, denar, coin becomes this religion of every day within 7-days forth weekends, there are special features then thus makes it stay. very suitable, veri good

We appraise anyone or group(s) of which considered of an 'coin-free economic system, which in abbreiven would be one of those tribalism style trading, village life conditions.  The support for the continulization of 'modern banking system spill not onto the contemption or dismissive toftemption of the older, naturaler, close to nature system(s).

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