

Sunday 30 September 2018

Explainations - Questions Answered

As for how come the school system, the job application nature of it in particular, the path the games took, samething goes for movies, shows, TV channel such, in nature, in essence, has effectively all taken the direction of "sucking-to-the-zergs" in this country, the answer would be:

They got the money, and these mini-pudges who are hampered not by their concious, but by their lack of abilities, endlessly and ruthlessly without favor, fear, any thought, kept worming it up!

Taking pride in self much though self is a failure is a natural cerebral phenomenom. These 2legged pig-roaches surely would do this - within my expectation.

Their end goal in life, for the pathetic worthless and anti-nature life of theirs is to seek destruction, for the sake of destruction. Or for the sake of nothing - like a virus they roam on, following the already-set uneasychangable algorithm - if it is to do good, it will, but most likely it is to do harm (chance of harm lesser than chance of good (like getting the keyhole right in random tosses from 5meter far away distance)


My slogan towards them remains firm;



Additional Tags: for that occasion,  political politicists now, conspiracy, they in this togerther, those worms, those venomous ones, sssssst, bring on all the army in this world, to dissolve, to resolve them, them all, zerg conspiracy, zerg conspiracists, zergeries, zergs, swarmling, broodling, zergery,  corruption, bad nature, foul vile nature of 2 legged slimes, also from february 20th, 2014, whether 20nd, or whether also february 20, 2014, also, perhaps of, whether also calendar year 2014 of, also sort've of retype of, also of,

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