

Saturday 29 September 2018

[[[ Philosophies ]]]

1.  Commonly, (whenever we dealing with a zoo, an ecosystem than tundra plainfields, the humble beginning of civilizations or new settlements) none of the victim is a victim, but a well-fed scoudel/thief/hooligan.  Hooligan level 2 is a victim.  Pikachus evolve into Raichus, the thiefs evolve to state or society's victims.

2.  The realistic thinkers has an edge over the make-believe thinkers.  Things come not all greater for the realistic persons: the people who think on what they believe can have much more artificially generated work productivity, while the realism persons are stuck with the reality which is often boring and less satisfacting.  Both has their ups and downs, the ultimate winner would be someone who has found the perfect balance point between these two modes.  It's be awesome if someone could swift from one mode to the other easily and has fun doing it.

3.  There could not be a Deutchland without Germans (deutch volks).

4.  Scammy sentences tend to be very short.  Whoever doing it with long sentences or trying to, they may be shouldn't be doing: it's the danger zone area for any person's mantra.

5.  The most arrogant and the most capable sound two sides of a dime close.  The most arrogant and the least arrogant sound almost the same.  Who knew at two ends of a spectrum, we meet again, that the forces of left and the forces of right fuse into one, just for the brief second to begin another big bang.

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