

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

10 Facts of Year 2014

FACT: No one cares about any of us
FACT: Mass peasants' goal is no goal, and since it's much more difficult to do good things and plus random selection of choice usually lands on terrible activities, they will harm and are here to fuss things up.
FACT: Before they fall, they will drag many down with them.
FACT: Our people are the only ones in actuality being prosecuted. While in stupid New World Order's eyes, they think it's [insert term here] they are "targetting" "effectively"
FACT: Everybody knows about American government right now.  The ones still supporting are not fools. They are killing roaches here to suck on the system welfare more.  How could New World Order get so clueless on it.  Those are disabilities, and completely worthless type of humanoids.   Yes, believe in bio diversity, believe in that probability please.  CNN is looking more like a utter waste.  Who r u talking to, giving reasons to morons, why teach retards intellectual stuff, of course they knocking.
FACT: They look for "can I get gains" in every single act of ours.  And they respond and act accordingly so to grab those "advantages", which are already too much for them to take care of
FACT: Like the way they eat, these ugly injectionists maggotoid peasantry strands of humanoids, aka zergs, will kill excessively, far more than necessary

FACT: Their relation with us is extreme hostility and pure hate.  They cannot tolerant us, will not tolerant us. And is here to seek destruction of the people they jealous of, spreading their self-hate onto others.  Heck, they dont' even have control of their own actions, they operate like an algorithm-based flesh of fuss, sack of large virus biological chunk!~

FACT: These are the ones that know everything about stalkish stuff - expert knowledge in those areas. These are looters, scoudels, mass elected ugliness.  These are the ones that knows it's wrong for this, and just been letting it happen this whole time.

A magnificant compound interest stamping on these truckloads of fiends unloaded into warehosues still would not remotely satisfy legislative democratic balance checks.  A delicious destruction of them wouldn't even sufficiently pay back 1 quarter of 1 percent of fiscal season damages of these 2 legged interest groups.

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