

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

3-Card Poker Deluxe Winning Strategy

Began as $35,000 ended up with $403,359, total spent time: 8 hours or less.
Simulation of a whole month of play of the game Three-Card Poker

By the way: mastering the taught dragon mythic knowledges & wisdoms would still not be enough.  A proper handler of the sword is also required, so to speaks.  It takes balance, and patience, and almost self-less-ness to handle the business.

Notice how this session's win rate is below the flat average performance of users of this software. Though we still end up with a very good surplus. Some luck indeed played in here, so we could mark, treat so, regard the total cash amount number, be fixed to, present-do instead an estimation $150,000 by the most conservative treatment.  $150,000 - $35,000 = $115,000 profit

Simulation settings/merits/restrictions/call-signs:
Table Minimum Bet: $25
Table Max Limit: $10,000

            Player Win% = 40.5
            Dealer Win% = 25.1
            Fold % = 34.5
                                      40.5 - 25. 1 = 15.4
                                15.4 X 2 = 30.8
                                 34.5 - 30.8 = 3.7%

if flat betting I would've gotten a 30.8/(30.8+34.5) (I think that's the correct math, yeah, wonderfully done, Harry, great work)  * enthusiasticly nods*     = 47.16692% win rate out of 100% total, which is about (30.8/34.5) = oh wait that's not right math, I think it's  (ok time is urgent I must hurry, here it is, I try this one, ok, out: (34.5-30.8)/(30.8+34.5) = (yea I think it's right, right on) (it's right on this time now, me thinks)   5.65% edge,
       but then still been getting surplus, how did I do it  =]   ?

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