

Sunday, 11 May 2014

A Finally Normal Human Speaks (as oppose to fake, mass disguiser, camouflager specialist type of vile strands (humanoids) )

America is where brilliant get unhelped, relentlessly stack on stack harassed. The hate mails pile to endless streams.

America is where thiefs of all geographical origins don't have to steal. And things are conveniently made for them.  Don't even have to try, and are already emperor class of this "society".

America in reality is now a zerg hive, an infestation pit-hole, that's illuminescencely disguising as a society just to dup further, rot more into a cess pit, serving incohrency-madness pure hate and jealousy zerg interests and ends. 

There is no end to zergs' ends, and that's a problem.

America is where all this is happening while the main stream media continue to operate in its own fantasy realm and direct assumptions.

IMF, UN, ADL, NBC, ABC, CNN, continue to operate as if America is in its 1950 shape.  Little do they know more than 95% of USA population are leech/bloodsuckers.  How could they forget this, they made this sytem from those times! What the heck!

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