

Friday, 9 May 2014

Another Misbehavior on Caught

(note: not the best show-case choice, could have a better one, but difficult search prevents)
(so yeah, this one, chosen,  as a filler,  sorta; yeh, not entirely)

They leave us with no option, but to gas them.  For we have been deprived of law to sort out the lawless, for long.

Additional Tags:  gave lowlife much noble' goods, wealth unshared, unveven distribution,  never in history are the retards, and THEIFS, this wealthy, well paid, treated, overall just doing better, and r actually happy, something gone severely wrong, anticipatedly-wrong, oh yes  yee indeed, true, that's true,  when will fix come though,  arrive, savior,  on par with napolean, this modern age, 'modern', ye  a lil bit silly is,   false income balance, surely the thiefs won't admit it's wrong to steal, why would it ever inform of us, exposure selves, hideous acts,  ye true right on,  dui de,  true, right

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