The truth may shock many, but that's usually a sign of the presented new fact being true.
The truth is men are created to serve women.
Women control men, that is in the reality.
Though in men's preception, men control women.
And isn't that, by careful examination, a perfect match of the story of being controlled? Isn't that the exact mentality of one under extreme control by another?
The real reason many things don't make sense when we think about in life is because our preception are largely "dirtified" by the installations women had placed in us. These installations smears the whole picture, as sacrifice, while adding features so the women could "pull" on, like a steering wheel, control us.
Men are women's mindslaves.
That is the reality.
A real mind slave is always feeling like one is doing well. But then, bam, stuff always hits, and seems like the freedom turns out to be always illusion.
Just by the fact that men always tend to chase for approval and ego gains shows enough: who do they show it to? Why can't they just do it, and not need women's approval? Isn't that sign of a mindslave creature?
The men fetches work, accomplishes and gives to the female. The female is always a step ahead in the psychology aspect, do we notice this too?
Also, the female tend to "back off" and seemingly "going friendly" is just all a mere illusion our pre-installed minddevice component in us activiting. How is that a female's "back off" is registered a sign of goodness, while some so called enemy's general friendly gesture is so remotely and blindly AUTO assumed to be hostile, and ourselves so fond of it and so assured? Isn't that a sign of a mind slave, and not a freed mind?
A freed mind does possibility thinking, and views things equally; unbiased. While a mind slave prioritizes certain things over the other. And sees things in a skewed lens, always.
This is not to say women are all evil and men are all right. The human specie is actually 4 genders: alpha men, beta men, gays and women. Women seems to be exclusively and quite interestingly worldwide homogeneous. Hardly one could find a varied women, while all men are varied. Kinda like humans owning dogs - the dogs are more varied than the owners/masters.
There are countless other proofs and hints to this. Until one reconizes these, he will never reach pinnacle understanding of the world, for these will forever blockade and fog up thinking and advancement of thoughts and logic.
--- our way of thinking has to do with women's enslavement collar on us
--- men overly chasing ego and approval has everything to do with our enslavement
--- viewing in perfect feeling there is no slavery going on is exactly mind of an unfreed slave, a perfect slave thus
--- the bad slaves had already been eliminated by our masters
--- we pleasure on satisfying women, are we not fools? Isn't this so right and true? The more we look into it, the more we wake up to this horrible reality, at the sametime, exciting and portal-wrapping
--- there will always be those slaves that refuse to awake or change, that is fine, this post is just to shine on a possibility, and instir inquiry into that mystery darkness no one has portaled in before = ]
--- notice how majority of the men, nearly all, if does something "accomplished", they always share it with their wife or gf. Isn't that a sign of a slave reporting to a master? What's the difference in that?
--- the fact that women are all phDs in knowing men's tendencies provides sufficient proof
--- women's playing of weaker or submissive is just its game. Real success (in life) is just on survival, it had never been submissive or this type, or that wealth. Funny how for centuries we had been such mindslaves, we never saw this even, which were pretty within in front of our eyes type of picture
--- all it matters in life is survival chance, it sums down into, and yet we find it funny and entertaining and approve when women's are "happy" about us, thinking that's something major. What does that mean, what is that in all in all underlying essence??
--- women generate 5% of world's wealth, and yet spends the 60%+. I think a big wake up is needed. I am glad due to me not raised by a proper "standard-enough" mother, God gave me this special chance, the special experience, ye, in a way, I became.. the slave that ran free~ woot
--- this is not to promote disliking women or any of those fuss. But really, for inquiry and thinking purposes. Until a man stops believing in the old crap, which heavily deters from true growth, one will never obtain God's and nature's amazing wisdoms. There can be no bias in the 9th tower of heavenly knowledge. And women's installation collar into us, falls in the category of extreme bias and unequal view of things
--- in fact, I believe, when enough prominent men wake up or at least realize firmly well, then the world'd be only right. Decisions be made proper, and things, countries, politics, nations, matters be of peace
This blog's ownership belongs to Sir Glenn Yu. A well known author of 3 major book publications - Beyond the Surface, [mandarin characters book name] and Collection of Philosophies and Insights. He writes often, and does so with agility. His staffs take care of the site 8 hours a day, from 10am to 6pm every week from monday to friday plus the weekends. This blog is his blessing, or is it his curse? AdVenture forth, enter the palace, and see it for yourself, visitor! ----- ---- --- -- -

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