

Friday, 9 May 2014

Exposing Lames Adventures 001/005

Zergs with their zergmeter and zerg-radar and various other zerger instruments picked up correctly the underlying essence of that question popped up at them.  As within expectation, attempts to smear and blur out further an already established zerger-high-contamination social nation and false-derstanding were tossed directly out.  In such emotional and usual simpleton words, maximized for brainwash efficiency. Short bursts, little remarks, zero occurence of long time thoughts and logic flow, done all on purpose, by their zerg glands, zerg thinking and zerger faith, carefully deceptively crafted to bypass a man's judgement eye, and the verification/validation/examination components of man's concious.

The zerger faith, speaking of which, is a little less than no faith, more so an empty hollow.  For zero is a number, we denote it as  zerger faith with the term for easy-of-usage purposes, ye.

The Zergs attempt to see us dismiss these important spikes they say, we shall not.
The Zergs runs clever and sinistry "pretend neutral or faking innocence" on top of an already established false notion is much like bluffing against one with royal flush, only effective on full house or weak card holders, so to speaks, ye -- they can barely escape for more than a decade further at max.
The Zergs realizes I am pointing at the faker zergs, these camouflager specialists type of humanoids.  And goes on tackling it pretending it does not understand.  How mimikery, heh.  These doctors of pretend and camouflager can never escape, for reality can be reached, and things gets tallied - verification processes, like tallying of the records gives suffice signal indicators.  And judging also by how the word "deception" is even wrong in the dictionary, we sure have a definately whole lot, and not just a secret society organization, we have more than that, yes.   

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