

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Hitler II's Gospel

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Everyone is afraid to tell the truth, what gives!

Seems no man dares to offend the "public", these bio amass!  Give me a reason!
(Who really owns and controls this planet then, who really dominates and what is "dominance", define!)

While US and North Korea governments gets into this weird fight amongst each other, them zergs are building and digging, infesting, chewing further into the national body, into the system, relentless tumour growing, almost reaching 10 billion, laughing at us for what we do!

I have always stood with the National Socialist, for that's the truth.
T0day, I reveal this in clear declaration.  There is no shame!
The only shame is when mistakes are made and by time of realization, true enemy stabs both of our sides to death, time of too late!

I know what you thinking right now, how is the Hollocaust story gonna stay intact.  I let you guys keep running on it,  everything can be made-d back!  How this is stood is another whole topic for now!  For the urgency is the zergs, the new found mass camouflaging invader force, these new enemies!!

The past is past, appologies and make up for it is ok, we accept for now.  I, given soverign duty will not not charge them at this issue/topic.

As I speak, typing this, the Zergs are rampantly growing, in rapid expansion unforeseen speeds!  While main stream media is still asleepy to this major event!  If they want entire planet be lost to them insect-likes vile strands of humanoids, these bacterias, that's fine!  I will fight the zergs myself!

Destuchland Arbeitei Partei Republic of SpicyHam Brigate official flag

Hoorah! Sieg heil!

Additional Tags: it's vigurous worshipping to mother nature's callings and God's duties, duties and responsibilities, fulfilling, hoorah~,   no time for garbage,  pay no attention to small things,  purposely distracting us, everything zergs been saying to us are false, like leech with a mouth,  main ones including: anaethetics, to instir sleepy mode and inactive punch-them-out stance, the initiative, and the other: distractions, distract us with fuss and thinking and thoughts, like little pointless thoughts on those, when we should be dealing them,  often provoke and tangle us, those are attacks, and violence,  violence can be anything,  muscleless tpe of attackers they are,  as can see, this tags section, put to big font, so can see importance, ye!,   and yeah! mighty sun! hoorah!

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