

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

On English - Key Short Summary Points Here


  • a language contours around calorie efficiency - the pronounciation; on the mouth
  • and neglects key philosophical areas, which comes paying off greatly later on
  • not actually in reality a language - has had much alien influences - italian users, Jewish masonary groups, etc.
  • for example, the so called the dictionary itself alone is a good example of an element of House of Slythereen, so to speaks
  • this intruder, so to speaks, has had success disguise itself as English, as if it's really anglo-saxon elements and anglo-saxon folks behind it
  • as oppose to mandarin, which carries heavy concentration/focus on the philosophical and the underlying essence of things, as already mentioned, English contours around calorie effiency, just the mere pronounciation aspect, forgetting the later, and definately ignoring the much later all together. That way of mandarin language may jam pronounciation and cause a lot of hiccups (some may make the user look retarded or inefficient at speech in genearl), but overall, for life, it pays off, while for talking content, won't always win top-top
  • in other words, in short brief format summary: English (American English) lacks philosophical aspect, and the attention paid towards the underlying meaning of things. It has little consideration on the demonic parts/essence/nature of things, much focused just on functionality. I would call it sometimes a language highly locally-adapted, highly local-optimized in one area that's the functionality of matters/ things, objects around us,  and not the philosophical, underlying connections; demonic essences, so to speak, aspects of matter/things or objects,  events, changes, trends, and so on and etc, and so much more

Additional Tags:  and should be seen as indicators, certainly, last straw, reliable, those are,   taking credit from German scientists, or Russian developers, is arrogance, etc, example, great one, there, yes, thank u's,  Hitler speaks, the Fuhuer is right,  eternity,  undoubtedly,  where, when, how, yes, true, false, up, down, left, right, east, west, north, south, central, centre,  poles, extremes, spectrum,  prophet,  so to speaks,  ye that's it for now for tags section,

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