

Wednesday, 7 May 2014


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Whether dust or dawn, winter or fall.
East or West, all shall abide to a new set of Order which cannot be disobeyed for it is manifestation of nature and God's great will itself.
Like gravity, he who against such Order is a definate common enemy of all things, of this universe.
The Sword is the symbol of not just human kingdoms. It is a manifestation of goodwill, and a gift from God, forged not from a blacksmith workshop, but rather from somewhere small, ordinary, like a pillow flower.  It is nature's gift given to all for man to wield, temporarily, until be handed back and returned to God's messenger - the dragonborn.

Sword, the symbol of grand justice.
The symbol of longitivity.
The symbol of actual winning long-term strategy.
S h a l l   r u l e,  o n c e   a g a i n !

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