

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Zergetry Strands

A Report on the Zergetry Strands

      The zergetry strands, aka zergers, are a type of humanoids, whom are doctors and phDs, experts in trickery, passive-aggression; andor b!tchism.  They will:
- pretend hurt when completely uninjured in a fight itself had launched to deal damage
- pretend that only certain type of actions can deal possible damage when dragonwisdom tells that all acts can deal damage
- are plotters. While others spend their day and night reading more and learning more crafts, these ones specialize, enchance on their phD of trickery and ultra nasty b!tchism
- are forever a reliant, and are a sh!tty useless dead-already undead deathly hollow bunch, whom cannot return back to normal
- much like a virus that's giant sized, a total dysfunction, and a frankenstein stiched-up but without the muscle type of frankenstein, they will just cause trouble until we strike them with sufficient force; in other words until an formiddable and sufficient force other than themselves be exerted onto them that ultimately results in bringing them down

- will utilize unpreparedness and unsuspectedness, to maliciously do dark spike type of acts, a typical zergetry strand of activity/ability.  So for example, we see them as innocent and regular, and then bam, they strike it when they find timing is good.  While if our guards are up, their attacks deal much lesser damage. Though yes, having them around is already poor life quality, the solution is to gas all of them gone.  We be providing this free heaven-exchange program service,  for free, no interests necessary or assembly required.
- exploits fact that dark thoughts cannot be visiually seen through the skin and skull like a dirty little cranky b!tchy b!tch from the sewage water bathed in
- aligned with pudgeheads, they have rotten flesh, and must not be overlooked. Their ugliness and abnormal features come from their darkheart, it wasn't their abuse, how could they say this at a time of extreme welfare and never before peasants treated this well, and disabilities uplifted to noble class, get to have all the leisure. (by the way, all of the peasants are disability by real definitions, and not skewed or contaminated ones).  Being naturally weak is their disguise, when in reality it is sickly that they are. And plus-ly, the ugliness and lack of reliable, true skill they demonstrate (during intensity testing) reveals total contridiction to their verbals, sheer amounts of, is of abnormal-ly and ultra un-naturalistic amount.  None of our children could look like this, ever.  It's their habit, it's their character, not their "abuse" (how could they say that at an era like this), nor due to natural occurences. One cannot overlook this abnormalty.  These ones are vile, and are vile natured, thus the weird looks.  Them Little pudgey-heads! I wanna snarl them down into a dinner chimey plate, ahh, nice little roast oven. like a duck! or a fish! ok sorry room is heated, got carried over there slightly a little, yes

- will not admit fault
- will cast innocence and other disguise
- planning they do at night, while others work
- they do not lose if they are not dead, they win if we don't crush them
- seemingly are individuals like us, in reality an insect-like swarm based, with lower morals than insects
- senseless, vile, malicious, the truest and purest form of evil - will just attempt to harm us all, the word is harm (in verb tense, thus, yes, to harm)
- their focus is how to beg better, these are specialists of manipulation and other b!tchism strands. Doing this is their way of survival
- they do not live, these undead beings are still stuck on escaping death. They are attempting to un-die - trying to outlast reaper's payment as oppose to getting jesus's love
- creatures that sold morals and principles of a man to the devil for more survival gains. They have no moral no more.  But exists some on the lips realm
- experts in tongue, phD of stalking. That's why they are not good at math or geography! The real reason it is, aye
- since the features listed above r true, these ones have been exploiting police protection, anything they could zerger-get on, to wield as a weapon, to accomplish their ever-tumoil. cheating further to hide earlier cheating, which leads to further cheating necessary

  • A global shut down on these mass 6 billion-some zerger broodling, birth defect amass, biological defects, vile strands of humanoids, tainter, ruiners, trash bio wastes, tumour growth, broodling bio amass and etc etc. and so on  are needed.  Global action is much needed, for a cleaner plannet. hoorah!

+++ in addition,
The fact that I, one of the world's most brilliant mind isn't even remotely close to being rich though in everyway I deserve to be, even in darkest and corrupted times, tells enough that the forces of evil are just a sneak peak of the real monsterous - the vilelism senselses toxic type of humanoids with absolutely no morals nor learnedfulness.

No Explaination is possible when the true ACE, not just King, but an Ace is not in his throne, other than extreme tragegic circumstances and/or presence of a great evil that's been truly overlooked and marked wrong.


Additional Tags:  yee, like water, blessings upon u, flow-y,   | ADD:  room is hot, yeah,  sorry  got a lil carried a way,  might've been, yeah, maybe, perhaps on that,  charge, business, balance, econonmy, topics address for certain, will do in future conferences, etc, later, yeah, at a later time, (not implying have not already done, much work had been done) yes, yah,     dirty humanoids,  disgrace,  disgraceful,  biological defects,  retards that aren't retarded enough to be unself-managing, where did these ones pick up such crap,  crap version of humanoids,  ultra elected electedism broodlings,  easy life,  carried by system, ultra protected,  disabilities,  vile strands,  poisonous humanoids, 

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