

Saturday 13 September 2014

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Wake the Hell Up, Illuminuts

      Life under America is an American one.  There is no true police anywhere to be found.  Criminals go free, and run around freely, with confidance.  Fortune 500 companies sponsor ugly people, and pays them rediculous amount of money that is unbreakable - a sheeple college cunt could waste 20k a year on useless items and poor buy choices, wreck their car and more and still end up with sufficient amount for Aryan standard though itself is and forever will be a sheeple.  Government busies itself with 1950 cold war thinking still finding nails around middle east region struggling with new income resources while wasting trillion dollars a year feeding the massive chunks of ever-growing non-stopping tumour bio wasteful vile humanoids.  How much of a more act of charity to enemies of all can they get with the utter overpay - treating each sheeple duplication dirty peasant like they are a possible Stevie Jobs or Seth Curbain - utterly jokingsom grotesque, which is quite America alright.

      Judging by their recent moves, it still looks like the Pentagon cult has got the basics of this world misunderstood somehow: they view a peasant duplication, which are number-based bigots as replacable counterparts to the precious one-of-a-kind talents out there.  Most of their propaganda are seldomly viewed by the masses anyways though the language style denotes different.  Without architects, engineers, designers, there would've never came any of this, while population of reduction would actually help the growth of any country quite drastically.
      Another one: the entire Illuminati 666 clan, which are the owners of this country, thinks that the human race is divided into stupid people, average people and smart people - very false.  We have two types of humans that are main: which are noble strength-based humans, the Aryans, and then we've got this vastly numbered (thanks to their centuries of nourishment and policies) vile mediocrism-based humanoids, the sheeple amass.  They could've limited their tumour-expansion quite easily, but they didn't - I guess that's the power of illusions then.
      Here is another point to demonstrate how much the Illuminatis are under control of the sheeple amass: whenever there is a protest by the masses, they immediately pay attention, let them walk for days.  While an Aryan demands changes and attention, they automatically (skipping any thinking step) arrives to the point and marks us as something repulsive and foul.  Could they be spending less of a childish time whenever it's tasks of killing cows, while worrysome here and there hesitating for thousand years when it comes to 30 useless baffoons which are part of a 6 billion strong army?  a world-wide childishism!

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