

Thursday 11 September 2014

Civil War in China

      A civil war in China is likely inevitable, and it will be a large, if not grand-scale civil war.  The goal of this civil war is not to purge the Communist China Party or anything similar, but to assist the return of the ancient Chinese civilizations, in other words to restore its essence.

     A land of ancient culture unwishfully also is a land of mass egotists.  Perhaps China is one of the nation with the highest number of egotist, slyther, soft-boned, arrogant, and cruel peasant humanoid types.  All things these peasants do is of a mediocrism style, or lack style thereof.  The large-scale war meant to purge all of those listed foul elements may involve large support from nearby countries.  The exact locations of the conflict is yet to be determined.  At minimum, combat would reign throughout urban regions, stretching from outskirts of Shanghai all the way north to China and at occasion seeping into inner-china.
    Interestingly, the near proximity of ancient rich philosophy and great origins of east asian language writing systems form opposite of a contrast with the mass mediocre cancer humanoids nearby.  A foreign visitor would often mistake the one for the either.  On the surface, these two seems in mutual friendship, and like all parasetic relationships: the battle is waged on by the drainers quietly, beneath covers, (friendship would be a cover and used as one), furthermore, often done from the inside.  Slowly over time, we'll see sign at even more visible levels.
     Like all mediocrism peasant amass, their demise is earth and harmony's victory.  Our strategy toward a civil war in China is a extension, or part of a large-scale global restoration program.  Besides assisting local activism groups and such, we would also like to inspire various neighboring countries that are east asian extensions or branches (plus the communist government of china mainly) to join the soon to be new global phenemenom.
     Let's remind ourselves that the greatest number of pagoda, buddist temples, artifacts and historical sites destroyed was by the so called "Chinese person(s)" themselves - not by foreign invaders.  The peasant amass took on the disguise of friendly and "fellow Chinese person" to accomplish their needs, as usually how they do it.  The intellectuals in China suffer through their life, thinking the invaders, due to social pressure and sheer overwhelming force of the peasant amass, ends up having to follow their poured-in ideaology, which is that enemies are outside and all Chinese citizens, persons with the nationality China must be undoubtedly right and friendly.  Some artifacts had been looted by foreign invasion forces, foreign interest expediture forces, agents disguised as missionaries and so on, but the majority of directly damaged and deliberately damaged artifacts have done by the peasant mass who disguises self as ordinary Chinese, or as one of our fellow scholars and bright inventers.  Cultural revolution period (1960s) had demonstrated to us a vivid evidence of the grotesque inner demons inside of these peasants.  The potential hazard now seen (of theirs) could not be ignored or chosen to forgotten casually.  Few were perserved, and were faught by our lads at best to prevent thorough damage - many monuments had to be reduced damage, and seldomly would an violent spitter onslaught could be prevented.  Both the greatest destruction and the greatest number of destruction on the richness of Chinese cultures had been deliberately done by its own people, both, both records, then perhaps we ought to think these are not their own people but something else completely.

Allow we to break down the traits of the mass peasant having been said:
- mediocrism: mediocrism is at their central core, their focus differs from ours, tries to lame their way in.  Memorizes a set of easy words that sound right, and uses it to bait us to do the hard work, so they can control and hitch ride, and the rest

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