

Tuesday 16 September 2014

On Multi-Currency System

     Having multi-currency for a national economy for long durations isn't a bad idea at all.  If the nation is super Aryan, then it's very possible, and will be smooth throughout the whole processes.  A hard-backed currency, as oppose to paper currency would have tiny difference on the reality side, as for this time it's the right leadership up there.  Upkeep of a nationalized currency is a fraction of the entire gross domestic product, something of microscopic importance and size in the whole scheme of things that is.
     Having this type of currency system is mirror and parallel to having both the EU and US dollar inside one nation.  There is little functional differences, and the only trouble it may cause might be supersticious ones - thoughts and feelings stirred by the number 2 as oppose to 1 single uniform currency.
     Whether printing of currency should be allowed or not for federal state has been more so a question of is the current leadership, the establishment trustworthy.  Seeing how things are in essence that way, our government will put little blockade to forbidding the state banking system to print cash in the future.  In an alternate set of words: it comes ultimately down to who is in the leadership and not so much the actions exprsesed out of there - a good trustworthy leader will do good at their worst, while a glutton pudge lord of some kid would spell out falsehood at their best chances.
     Whether having 1 currency or 2 currency or 3 or more main currency (multi) carries minor siginifiance and importance in the grand view of the nation.  We like to use this principle throughout our thinking and design formulation efforts: as long as the soil and the condition environment is good, things will naturally fix itself.  Where as without such naturalis, chaos spawn, and rifts pull things to often unsuspected discourse and perputual dysfunctions.
      On the topics of printing currency: printing excess would result in inflation and regional monetary disbalance.  The previous regime has been doing this for greedy reasons, while for any righteous state, it's unecessary, and indeed a secondary effective means to get to the goals.  A drunken righteous state perhaps would print money in large sums, as due to the lack of assessment and such.  Whereas concious one, not the best idea for them to - not only there exists little reasons to, the gain to effort ratio is also absent.  Printing in sudden bursts would cause unwarranted prices, often regions within regions.  Printing in over-time period smoothes things (the sudden spikes on the graphs) out.  Printing doesn't add values to the net sum of the gross domestic product, more so gains through de-valuing the other, in essence.  We see printing as a "loser state's option" as besides the glaring moral reasons, only a state that's behind the forefront of innovation and culture status would need to use this option - true leadership would have all the monetary power needed and be in well reserve.

     Splitting agrilculture products (life basis needs) with luxurious items is indeed a great idea.  There are several advatanges of this that the otherwise scenario could not provide:
- natural deterrence for petty crimes, shutting down the desire and inclination as well altogether
- natural class system
- prevents overgrowth and faulty operations of certain businesses (now they won't go splash over-zones, and go monopolizing, also their intentions get shut down (repelled) completely)
- promotes local community (now people chase and want to talk to the higher item manufacturers)
- it's reasonable to be this way, overall
- a natural social security system
- reflects the nature of consumables vs fixed items (such as appliances and electronic gadgets)
      For the art design of these two fundamental currencies, similar color schemes and themes can be given to make them (thus all currencies) look uniform.  Two very seperate looking currencies instir the thought of national fragmentation.  Another reason being people liking to associate the number 1 as prime and good, where as the number 2 as symbols for omen, as national currencies.  For the superstition sakes, so to speak, both currencies which most citizens will have in their pockets will take on uniform color schemes plus formats. (the difference-fulness may not be necessary to be introduced or announced to the public)

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Additional Tags: factories, storage warehouse, facilities,

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