1.1 military expansion
1.2 bank support
1.3 government automation
1.4 corporation recruitment
1.5 consolidation through alliance
1.6 consolidation through fear
1.7 consolidation through misinformation
1.8 consolidation through surpression
2.1 double claw stance on every new invasion
2.2 invisible claw being finance claw in elaboration
2.3 media assistance to financial claw
2.4 synchronization of two claws
3.1 military and police management
3.2 colonization of nations and territories
3.3 financial invasions
3.4 financial encirclement
3.5 automation of states
3.6 clever usage with information and misinformation
3.7 balance of stakeholders' interest
3.8 technology investments
3.9 money flow management
3.10 economic concepts
3.11 progress, recruitments, and enhancement - upholding freedom of play; natural order
4.1 global dominance
4.2 tri-lateral control/maintainance
4.3 pyramid scheme, the pyramid structure
4.4 corruption repellence
5.1 cyber advancements
6. military-states
7. unity and synergy, and proper control of all territories
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