

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Nice Words







Tuesday 16 September 2014

Philosophia Day

A Paradox of Nature

    Followers can be misled, where as anti-social individuals get haven-ed from that.  Who knew that what can be called rightly so as an inferior turns out to have an advantage in such circumstances.  The situation itself acts as a shield as if willing so on its own, keeping the anti-social from being fed with false info.  We can mark followers as sine line A, and the society outsiders (the anti-socials) as cosine line B.  Then what is commonly A receive + and B become - turns into A receiving - and B becoming +, a reversal that's contra-austa opposite.  

Additional Tags: then goodah, even bettah, me leading self, god directing me, no noise pressure,  then it would be all splendid,  distractions, unecessary,  noisy, manufacture-like environments can disturb, stir, yep, unwanted answers,  lorda of the pandents,  skyrim, whiterun, solitude,  mortail ravenshire,

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National Planet Watcher Central Commitee — Cancer Spiralling out of Control



On Multi-Currency System

     Having multi-currency for a national economy for long durations isn't a bad idea at all.  If the nation is super Aryan, then it's very possible, and will be smooth throughout the whole processes.  A hard-backed currency, as oppose to paper currency would have tiny difference on the reality side, as for this time it's the right leadership up there.  Upkeep of a nationalized currency is a fraction of the entire gross domestic product, something of microscopic importance and size in the whole scheme of things that is.
     Having this type of currency system is mirror and parallel to having both the EU and US dollar inside one nation.  There is little functional differences, and the only trouble it may cause might be supersticious ones - thoughts and feelings stirred by the number 2 as oppose to 1 single uniform currency.
     Whether printing of currency should be allowed or not for federal state has been more so a question of is the current leadership, the establishment trustworthy.  Seeing how things are in essence that way, our government will put little blockade to forbidding the state banking system to print cash in the future.  In an alternate set of words: it comes ultimately down to who is in the leadership and not so much the actions exprsesed out of there - a good trustworthy leader will do good at their worst, while a glutton pudge lord of some kid would spell out falsehood at their best chances.
     Whether having 1 currency or 2 currency or 3 or more main currency (multi) carries minor siginifiance and importance in the grand view of the nation.  We like to use this principle throughout our thinking and design formulation efforts: as long as the soil and the condition environment is good, things will naturally fix itself.  Where as without such naturalis, chaos spawn, and rifts pull things to often unsuspected discourse and perputual dysfunctions.
      On the topics of printing currency: printing excess would result in inflation and regional monetary disbalance.  The previous regime has been doing this for greedy reasons, while for any righteous state, it's unecessary, and indeed a secondary effective means to get to the goals.  A drunken righteous state perhaps would print money in large sums, as due to the lack of assessment and such.  Whereas concious one, not the best idea for them to - not only there exists little reasons to, the gain to effort ratio is also absent.  Printing in sudden bursts would cause unwarranted prices, often regions within regions.  Printing in over-time period smoothes things (the sudden spikes on the graphs) out.  Printing doesn't add values to the net sum of the gross domestic product, more so gains through de-valuing the other, in essence.  We see printing as a "loser state's option" as besides the glaring moral reasons, only a state that's behind the forefront of innovation and culture status would need to use this option - true leadership would have all the monetary power needed and be in well reserve.

     Splitting agrilculture products (life basis needs) with luxurious items is indeed a great idea.  There are several advatanges of this that the otherwise scenario could not provide:
- natural deterrence for petty crimes, shutting down the desire and inclination as well altogether
- natural class system
- prevents overgrowth and faulty operations of certain businesses (now they won't go splash over-zones, and go monopolizing, also their intentions get shut down (repelled) completely)
- promotes local community (now people chase and want to talk to the higher item manufacturers)
- it's reasonable to be this way, overall
- a natural social security system
- reflects the nature of consumables vs fixed items (such as appliances and electronic gadgets)
      For the art design of these two fundamental currencies, similar color schemes and themes can be given to make them (thus all currencies) look uniform.  Two very seperate looking currencies instir the thought of national fragmentation.  Another reason being people liking to associate the number 1 as prime and good, where as the number 2 as symbols for omen, as national currencies.  For the superstition sakes, so to speak, both currencies which most citizens will have in their pockets will take on uniform color schemes plus formats. (the difference-fulness may not be necessary to be introduced or announced to the public)

-  -  -  -  -  -

Additional Tags: factories, storage warehouse, facilities,

Republican-Democrat United Gas Company (NYSE:RDUG)

` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `

Gas Bill:
$28,000 - gassing of fun-killers
$15,000 - gassing of ruthless intimidators
$35,730 - gassing of responsibility abandoners

gassing of Harvard-ivy-poison nerdercists - $6,477.25
gassing of anti-social Android 13s - $755
gassing of police protection exploiters - $9,500

$68,000 - gassing of disbalance growth-ers (aka needle growthers)
$75,360 - gassing of unfit humanoids
$41,020 - gassing of passive-aggressive specialists

Total:  $279,842.25

After Provincial Tax:  $264,450.93
After State Tax:  $233,708.51
Tax Rebates:  $7280.75

Net Amount Due:  $240,989.26

`  `  `    `  `  `    `  `  `    `  `  `    `  `  `    `  `  `    `  `  `    `  `  `    

Court of Justice

Should These Die?

    These nobody strangers come on here and tell us that:  lions are lazy, mussolini was a dictator, and hitler was cruel?  Often thinking them-sheeple-cancer-vile-humanoid-selves could easily slip away, while believing by doing this change-of-standard-and-reference thing, the inspection eyes on them would miss the points; basically, they want to blur the lens.

Then perhaps I shall add to them that:
- penguins are tall
- giraffes are horny
- rhinos are small
- and k9s are cute
- while Jesus is arrogant, 
           is that ok now?

Those bloody filth!

Monday 15 September 2014

A Thank You Letter to Our Beloved Nerd-Tards

       If the apple retards and the nokia cunts sold their cellphones, those marvelous engineering creations of finest values and quality to Aryans by exclusive strict means, then the rise of World Peace would've came long frigging time long ago!  We sincerely send our deepest regards to those fussmits for assisting the growth of this vampant uglization of this what once was known a society, now a more so cess pit with heavy glossy make-up sprayed on top that says "me is a society" with the neo sign glows on top - oh just like Kim Kardaralien.

Additional Tags:  they seem to have habit of selecting lazy and peasant individuals,  do they see, I think they should, since they are a stealth, outsider of society perspective, entity also right,  that they are not weaker version of us, or might be troubled my "unfairness", but straight up lazy peasant cunts who are weak because they are strong in vilelism two-faced phony-ness, and those tactics,  jeez, yeah,

Sunday 14 September 2014

Part 2 - Additional Reasons of Unfits

- all those pansy unfits who which resides in our groups drag us down. they will never engage the enemy forces
- peasant amass tell us this many 'no's, and still dare to call themselves friendlies?
- wussies, whether wussy nerds or wussy labor-ers, as long as they are a wussy, watch, they will idle around of real situation, and slow down our progress - makes we question whether they are really one of our guys
- life extends from death, death is the origin of all things, these weaklings conjour up a story (which are usually pansy and lah-lah-dish) that suit their favor, saying how there is no deaths and that life is the origin of life. unless we abolish them completely I think the Aryan group will never get far
- roothenchild follows Darwinism talks, a misfortune.  The truth is none of these hyena vile peasants would ever geneticly become one of our guys.  Once a bird goes vulture, it's permanent vulture, and will never be back returning or becoming an gryphin again.  The difference between a donkey and a stallion is 0 genetic, and everything spiritual and belief systems, in all truthful reality, unlike what the jester Darwin says.
- sheeple amass plays and like to play with others feelings, including their fellow own.  Today they cheer, give, tomorrow they boon, thumb down, and returns to light rewards again - control freak type of humanoids.  Judging by how they like to stay in the realm of distant friendship, talk tons, while avoids strong bondings tell all the info.

Additional Tags: also ahs to do with wobbling monitor, chair, fan noise, `ya,   fillers, tags migration, ok there, 200characters at max, they set,  red warning sign for some reason show up, with light red, odd,  anyways, uphold health,   speak up and change the world, peace is needed,  not just between governments,   be my friend, for peace,  I want to  hear your voice, 

Reasons All Those Unfit with Hitler All Must Die

— the peasant cancer zergs pick up modern clothing, infiltrates our base and rub shame everywhere from knowing it only damages people with integrity, the righteous people while deals zero damage to themselves
— standards and values 是 Hitler or God 定的, what the sheeple peasant viles up to doing this task (establishing standards and values are tasks of Hitler)
— maybe perhaps in the case of Warrant Buffett or Gill Gates preaching me I might listen, what do those rubbish gonna offer with all those comments
— it is indeed utterly eerie and nasty these sheeple zergs dare to repeatedly spam comments and remarks - what they are really doing is being control freaks and soft-kill
— they go around using gimmiky acting and mouth in attempt to achieve survival.  Often acting like Bill Gates mouthing others around, while disclosing the nasty behavior as "just oops commenting" or on fucked-up occasion: "I am just giving advice"
— how about the time these duplication cancer soft-killer cunt bag soft amass act more than the drag from its own weight being a baggage to social progress, what about the time they openly mouth out that themselves are same as absolute noble people just because they ain't murduring, out in the open, in that direct style?!  utterly eerie to know this!


Saturday 13 September 2014

The 2-Leg Cancer



Labor-stemmed-and-then-deged peasant humanoids are a disgrace, they are quite retarded - the reason they have a court is not because a court is needed, but mainly because they want to tell themselves that they understand law fully.


[][][] [][][]

Wake the Hell Up, Illuminuts

      Life under America is an American one.  There is no true police anywhere to be found.  Criminals go free, and run around freely, with confidance.  Fortune 500 companies sponsor ugly people, and pays them rediculous amount of money that is unbreakable - a sheeple college cunt could waste 20k a year on useless items and poor buy choices, wreck their car and more and still end up with sufficient amount for Aryan standard though itself is and forever will be a sheeple.  Government busies itself with 1950 cold war thinking still finding nails around middle east region struggling with new income resources while wasting trillion dollars a year feeding the massive chunks of ever-growing non-stopping tumour bio wasteful vile humanoids.  How much of a more act of charity to enemies of all can they get with the utter overpay - treating each sheeple duplication dirty peasant like they are a possible Stevie Jobs or Seth Curbain - utterly jokingsom grotesque, which is quite America alright.

      Judging by their recent moves, it still looks like the Pentagon cult has got the basics of this world misunderstood somehow: they view a peasant duplication, which are number-based bigots as replacable counterparts to the precious one-of-a-kind talents out there.  Most of their propaganda are seldomly viewed by the masses anyways though the language style denotes different.  Without architects, engineers, designers, there would've never came any of this, while population of reduction would actually help the growth of any country quite drastically.
      Another one: the entire Illuminati 666 clan, which are the owners of this country, thinks that the human race is divided into stupid people, average people and smart people - very false.  We have two types of humans that are main: which are noble strength-based humans, the Aryans, and then we've got this vastly numbered (thanks to their centuries of nourishment and policies) vile mediocrism-based humanoids, the sheeple amass.  They could've limited their tumour-expansion quite easily, but they didn't - I guess that's the power of illusions then.
      Here is another point to demonstrate how much the Illuminatis are under control of the sheeple amass: whenever there is a protest by the masses, they immediately pay attention, let them walk for days.  While an Aryan demands changes and attention, they automatically (skipping any thinking step) arrives to the point and marks us as something repulsive and foul.  Could they be spending less of a childish time whenever it's tasks of killing cows, while worrysome here and there hesitating for thousand years when it comes to 30 useless baffoons which are part of a 6 billion strong army?  a world-wide childishism!

- Rebuilding Aryan Natural Order -

       Our nations have fallen to bad shape.  The current situation calls for unified effort of the entire Aryan Volks.  Fighting against us is multiple enemies, each feeling, a matter of misa-fortune here, so to speak, as if they are the only force "catching up" to the unstoppable progress of Aryanhood, so as they believe.  The fronts of these opposition forces to radiant natural order can be divided as follows into these classifications:
-- the Illuminati nutheads, aka Dominionlism cult, aka 666 clan
-- mass peasant tumour growth; zergs; sheeples
-- defecto males (aka monogamy-stemmed failure males)
-- degenerates
-- invisible sheepleroaches
       Some groups above overlap each other in some areas.  Overall each have clear identifications.  The illuminati nuts are hard to describe in a few sentences.  They have this tendency to continue on path of mental defect-insanity while never stopping despite the piles on end of opposition suggestions to what they "think" about.  Do they not realize the only way to check if one is truly insane or not is not by asking self am I sane or insane, but rather by witnessing, finding, before analyzing the glitches of the matrix so to speak.  Everytime the Illuminuts justify their insanity by asking a question with the assumed premise being already insane - then the answer would without a doubt yield same thing every time, plus reinforcing its already extreme mental cerebram flaw-defectoness.
       Like some of the insanes in social degen categories, the Illuminuts like to see others' suggestion as begging, their humbleness as weakness, and their offer of warm-hugged support as signs of success of their moves - then with such unbreakable infalliable disreasoning, who can really pull them out of it.  Not for a single moment they took a long-enough pause and thought: wait a minute, what I am marking everything as can be done to anything and it would still make same level of satisfying sense!
        It's their insanity that makes me wanna stop them despite their intellectual legendary powers which I am okay with.  I wish I could knock on their head someday and real-ly ask them whether they know themselves have gone insane or not.  What they are doing is not like they claim to be (seldomly revealed, but is the goal): to surppress population, create a long lasting depotism and such.  But one of pure insanity - negative, and makes no logic by any clan, any side, any perspectives.  I often blame English for lacking a clear definition and a defined tone of the word insanity - this probably has contributed to the in-return-ship of these mental malfunctioned.  Not only has Illuminuts gone pure criminal and negative, it's also making 0 sense at any boarder pictures.
        This reasoning I present here wraps up the whole deal, I believe: Illuminati will get Adolf Hitler's Mein Kamph book, and think he is "not worth the presented level" just because they view the book written without preparation of their stalking - which makes 0 sense, as Adolf Hitler has always been well aware of the possibility of falling to enemy side's intel teams - and it's the Illuminati nuts that need to run out of their own infalliable fiendism nonsense brain malfunctional inlogicalities!  Check both possibilities please - perhaps, the Fuhuer wrote it because no one would still view as such except you - that only an extreme sick being (a humanoid gotten heavily sick, with heavy dosage of poor funny luck) would view the writing as weakness, justify with made-up self-justifying reasons - and that he was lending you an pill of inspiration.  Look at the facts we can to prove who is right about Illuminati's nutfulness: are they having more talents or losing talents? Losing talents.  Are they gaining power or becoming weaker and weaker losing grip on many sectors? Losing power.  Are they becoming more happier with their "living conditions" or does average joes which get to drink beer and go to bars feel more satisfied?  All these investigation reveals to themselves the existence of their insanity, and absent of their self-deceptional illusions.  I hope for this writing too, they view it not with another ever-self-justifying infalliable disreasoning.  They sometimes fail to never see that what they accuse others of, whether contempt or spotting of weakness, or points right to disagreement find and whatnot can apply to any single thing and would sound convincing nonetheless.
       Harvard nerdacists is another group that deserves deterrence and punishments.  In short, the Roothenchild education system had been purely occupied and hijacked by these defecto humanoids.  How can somebody without 6-pack really be technically described and self-loathed as "smart", as if they are superior and quality humans?  These nerdas have led Aryan culture to that of a jokishly knavery one, defecto humanoid type, and a softie-bone one.  We subconciously knows this well - the thought that people who are bad at sports are probably "smart" have been familiar to ourselves, and we feel it.  If those nerdacists refuse to accept a normal living life, then afraidly so they will suffer an unquestionable level of nature's push.  Perhaps it was their strategic loss for directing self to venture on the road of lethality and power, thinking that would get them something, when in reality the road of humbleness and cuteness sure-knuckle-ly would've done much better results.
       Basically anyone that do not belong in the equation of Legend of Zelda, someone who could not look normal standing and having a tea with Adolf Hitler, looks unfit to be in a radiant photo filled with holiness, or doesn't seem right being a member of a righteous natural model of society  do not deserve to be under the care of a righteous order, and will followforth be removed.  All villains, all defects, whichever shape or form, style or discipline, looks or appearances have no place in a noble, radiant, gracious, majestic picture of natural flow.  This is a fight between righteous order and the unhealthy, defects, spawns of hate, manifestation of jealousy, madness and incoherency.  Whichever is their origin or excuses, a thorough barring of all foul elements is needed to ensure that the modern day disaster will not re-occur.

- █ -

Analysis on the Zergs

    Me felt no better way than to put to this format, so let's do this:

-  this war can't be won until the civil rights of the sheeple zergs are removed
-  the peasant amass act like condemning and cussing on a published murderer must be indication of innocent, how funny
-  the truth is everything can be violence, every single act - and the sheepleroaches denying this prove everything the Fuhuer was intended to say

-  though sheeples use this excuse well, that they are not actively saying death threats, but their actions show death threats, in addition so does the acknowledgement they imply
-  the mass plague zergs use the fact that they do not go around being "violent" as indication of their trustworthiness and therefore legitimacy and all that matter surrounding it.  Though in reality murder has always been on their objective list - sheeples would not pick out a fight.  But they, as often seen, would reply in vile way, pick on others just so enough it's not markable as aggression but enough to deal damage - exploiting any absurd law or situation or social notion as they could - casting selves as absolute undoubtfully-innocent while vilifying questionables, strangers, or unknown visitors, objects or issues.
-  the sheeple plague does the quiet way of violence.  They slowly and surely quietly push policies and qualifications slowly to their greed,  letting their natural in-proficiency as a cover for their real true intent.  Let death of Gaddafi be a warning to all of us  and a reminder of the horrificness of these cancer 2-leg peasant vile-humanoid amass.

Philosophia of the Day (or Night)

"Those who gruntles over guys that say self are good looking are not picky or sensitive individuals, or any of it, more so  are hyena roaches who blends in this society, into-ed the crowd that is modernism-public"  - Tome of Knowledge, p.38

"Finding enemies? Start off with the friends list."  - Advanced Tactics III.

"Busy leads to dizzy.  Reduction of noise signals begins by doing as few things as possible.  And then, wisdom will surface out - that's the way of treasure undersea trove hunting"  - Lord Ravenshore 

"Often than not, the males that comment immediately after a boastful remark as 'cocky' are player-haters, than a proper challenger.  They do not belong to any natural form of society."  - Priest of Hamshire

"Enemies are okay-enemies, the greatest enemies tend to be friends."  - Zadolf Geetler, Inquisitor of Highmane Scarlet

Friday 12 September 2014

Examination on Shadow

      Exploiting labor, using other people are both subtle disciplines, and thus are unsaid and quietly spooken about.  Using other people is effectively robotary in its finest form, a much earlier-a predecessor model.  Witch doctoary, being a shadow discipline would not be as spoken-lisatic as something such as catering or personal financial security.  
      Rogues being stealth units sees the normal ones better than the normal ones see stealthed units.  This natural edge creates this quarelling-balance between two sides - darkness and light, shadow and right, evil and norm.  Warlocks, a shadow disciplinary, too are sort-ve stealth - they go unseen, hides behind labryinth and walls, uses mazes and dolls to make self more distant, thus succeeding in its own merit of stealth.  
       The words shadow and stealth are almost interchanging twins - shadows tend to be stealth, and stealth becomes shadow-y.  

Additional Tags: rofl awakened it's me background tab,  ahh I should've known by its location of the sound, and how crisp and clear it was so to speak,  yeh must've been close then, aye,   an examination on shadow,   ok I should say what music it was,  quite fitting, the mood,  turns out  decent,  not too odd or unfitting,  turns out  it's a samsun galaxy ad,  piano, violin type of instrument,  rain-y kinda like, ish,  actor person walks in, window shopping,  gotta see it, besta see self, than hear here describe,  ye

# of Criminals in Streets


The fact that someone cussing at a murder case's perpaitor is seen as indicator of innocence  shows the number of true passive-aggressivists out there.

Someone that curses at a murderer does not equal to indication of innocence, it's acts of charity.


Planning for Civil War in China

flat nosed, oil-


flat-nosed stands for noobian and tricksters

the world's most sophisticated copycats

      A civil war across the region of China (Han China regions (ones that Han dynasty attained, which disincludes Tibet, Uighur, Mongolia and Siberia north hemosphers) ) is much in demand, that is, a civil war taking place before year 2027.  The purpose mainly is to clear out the dirt out of that once a proper-mannered jade kingdom; to restore and anew its former grace with an added touch of contemporary influence.
      Reasons we have determined to be reasons for the tumour over there to be regarded as intolerable includes and are as follows:
- a flat-nosed human is 100% case-in-likely one with trickster and sophisticated copycat abilities
-- if an person isn't "good looking", then it's to do with its personality and its nature, as the person would be easily good looking if those ill and different nature were absent
--- tumour culture are not cultures, they are more so medicines for the sick than local foods
---- how they introduces to us, and often done so at "well picked timings" (major timings and minute-ly timings), a copy of how things should be, precisely the definition of natural selection, that is different from that of Adolf Hitler tells us a lot what they are planning on and who they really are
----- goes quarral about personal dominance in often such diving manner (strain and stress) that they be claiming it's us fighting for it and getting it sparked or involved.
------ easily intolerant, flips face easily
------- historical reason: the qing dynasty had allowed and given much privilege to the low-preception number-based peasant (the tumour growth in other words), bringing about the claim that creative individuals' inventions are done by the entire citizenships.  Their growth took off and became a geometric growth rate since mid 17th century
------------ are number-based; focuses on number spread.  Generally spread like weed - grows in scatter, as oppose to rows unlike flowers, which naturally serves as an shield of underestimation/overlook.  With the saved calorie and focus so to speak in that self-control aspect (plays negligence on that part) so to speak, they gain more points to put in number-reproduce profiency causing it to be extra greater.
------------- In addition, are general-ly extra hostile with us with anyone not a number-based tumour like they are, which they can identify well.  With their soft-ness and flat-nose, this hostility gains well covers (gets well covered).
    Overall, despite their sophisticated copycat and duplication, camouflaging acts and abilities, these midget-sized soft-bone humanoids are caught in the net of web of truth.  They wage war on society and culture, and there will be revenge.  Their attempts at establishing a faulty value system, changing social notions, contaminating the true definition of law and such have been unsuccessful at the strategic scale.  Tactical fights have been won by them, and now it's time to act in accordance to the prophecy, sending them the free ticket to their (these cancer's) doom.

Additional Tags: have wars, war(s), have sum,  intolerate, flat forehead bigot, birth deefct that is common often legitimizes its existence, validity,    if a person's face look ugly, chances are it is not one of our guys, because really is there a reason, and how could it look different, a natural well-hearted person, likely its nature is flawed, has something different,  watch for pretender hostile, soft-bone types,  peasant and warriors, are different, different class of humanoids,  rapid fast typing here, hehe, good go0d,  yes, unsocial bunch,  mongol charge, calvary style, force,  acrobatic, athletic based,  donkeys, horse, differ not by genetic, but by spirit,   same true goes for humans,  malicious cancer, watchout,  exploitors, of absurd laws, exploitation,   nature finds out, reichstag catches up,   spaces, yep, well done, I think it's well done,  ok good,  yes,    duplication, camouflagers, duppers, copycat,  type of humanoid,  number-based,  beefs with us 1v1, and tells us we win or we tied based upon their thoughts,  hostile with us,   then we can be sure how wonderful they are, and what they truly think,  

Thursday 11 September 2014

The Global Situation

Flaws of Humanoids Spawned Roothenchild

    Little do the goyims know themselves lay the full and all of the responsibilities for bringing out roothenchild.  In a world filled with watchful guardians like me or Himmler, the chance of appearance of a newly arrived saproling stage roothenchild organization would've never had the nutrients to reach maturity stage.  A seed needs a place, a comfortable place to land first, in the case of bamboo flowers, it is the soil.  Once that's completed, now the rooms for growth is needed.  The seed itself carries initially provided certain volumn of nutrients but is ineffient by it-self to the maturity stage.  Theoretically, with gathered nutrients can the Roothenchild reach stage where it now has arms and legs to kick and combat any quarreling forces towards it.
    Like all creatures, the goyims too do a lot of wrong things unintended, as well as things that are good un-intended.  The frequency of unintended actions scales with complexity, unfaimilarity with the task, as well as arrogance (over-flated view of oneself).  These several listed flaws had provided Roothenchild enough nutrients, and was done continuously, and at high volumn: (not in chronological order)
- mistake of taking roothenchild company logos as assumed people's
- pouring in-to their donation box scams and income statement scams
- falling for basic trickeries, small gem scale scams, shoe sales
- unpreparedfulness for the "weaker" candidate; as well as the seemingly "must-be-royal" friend, or colleague
- over-preparation against attractive looking individuals
- over-tension, focus, and friction sent toward Kings, bishops, stars and so on
- habit of player-hating, another excessivism
- listening to logos and instructors too early without a second of questioning
- simutaneously each every checked the (which would be their 'other', to each of one self own) other side for hints and direction tells, simutaneously so
- over-looking the "weak"
- assumes candidates behind an anonymous tag or logo
- over-extension and over-caring about micro-scopic enemies (to this day they still fear sharks for some odd reason, though it's the economic order killing them, and sending anxiety to their way)
- throwing money away, not fighting vs the supposed government for any thousand bucks
- shopping at places owned by foreign interest groups
     There are couple more to the listed "contributions" above, to the rise of Roothenchild, pretty much all minor or similar ones.  A good explaination for their (the goyim sheep's) excessivism on tackling on Kings and Princes would be: have to do with how they excessively drink, do odd things like harmful addictions, excessively eat cholestrol food and so on - almost like the same set of deal here.  Thanks to their giangantic size, this coaliation of bafools had ultimately do the unthinkable - spawning a cult of the damned so rapidly that they barely had to try.  We can extract, find and then mark down the frequency of times our folks get a "beef" from the crowd or someone from the crowd, to that of Roothenchild ministers, the gap is tremendous. Each time a tick of such happen, is countable as a boost to the all other side in this competition for business.

Additional Tags: |lead it to further maturity, section trunked,  right on, yes, like that  so, absolutely right, prejudice, stirred, bowl, stream, river, cloud, cup,  ages, centuries, dynasties,  cruise,  

Battle of Hong Kong

Desired Sheeple Amount:
Shanghai - 2.1 million
Beijing - 2.534 million
Tianjin - 2.17 million
Guangzhou - 1.98 million
Shenzhen - 400 thousand
Wuhan - 225 thousand
Dongguan - 0.901 million
Chengdu - 289 thousand
Chongqing - 376 thousand
Nanjing - 340 thousand
Hong Kong - 2.38 million
Xi'an - 189 thousand
Shenyang - 501.37 thousand
Hangzhou - 188 thousand
Suzhou - 31 thousand
Qingdao - 200 thousand
Harbin - 365.10 thousand
Jinan - 50 thousand
Changchun - 380 thousand
Ningbo - 112.3 thousand

Demolish of major and secondary refugee camps are recommended.
Demolish of resultant new refugee camps are encouraged.

Railroads should be protected until all corpses are transported out.

The above data are suggested minimum level.  The upper limit should not breach international standards.  Heavy collateral damage of true humans will result in legal trou-blems.


Civil War in China

      A civil war in China is likely inevitable, and it will be a large, if not grand-scale civil war.  The goal of this civil war is not to purge the Communist China Party or anything similar, but to assist the return of the ancient Chinese civilizations, in other words to restore its essence.

     A land of ancient culture unwishfully also is a land of mass egotists.  Perhaps China is one of the nation with the highest number of egotist, slyther, soft-boned, arrogant, and cruel peasant humanoid types.  All things these peasants do is of a mediocrism style, or lack style thereof.  The large-scale war meant to purge all of those listed foul elements may involve large support from nearby countries.  The exact locations of the conflict is yet to be determined.  At minimum, combat would reign throughout urban regions, stretching from outskirts of Shanghai all the way north to China and at occasion seeping into inner-china.
    Interestingly, the near proximity of ancient rich philosophy and great origins of east asian language writing systems form opposite of a contrast with the mass mediocre cancer humanoids nearby.  A foreign visitor would often mistake the one for the either.  On the surface, these two seems in mutual friendship, and like all parasetic relationships: the battle is waged on by the drainers quietly, beneath covers, (friendship would be a cover and used as one), furthermore, often done from the inside.  Slowly over time, we'll see sign at even more visible levels.
     Like all mediocrism peasant amass, their demise is earth and harmony's victory.  Our strategy toward a civil war in China is a extension, or part of a large-scale global restoration program.  Besides assisting local activism groups and such, we would also like to inspire various neighboring countries that are east asian extensions or branches (plus the communist government of china mainly) to join the soon to be new global phenemenom.
     Let's remind ourselves that the greatest number of pagoda, buddist temples, artifacts and historical sites destroyed was by the so called "Chinese person(s)" themselves - not by foreign invaders.  The peasant amass took on the disguise of friendly and "fellow Chinese person" to accomplish their needs, as usually how they do it.  The intellectuals in China suffer through their life, thinking the invaders, due to social pressure and sheer overwhelming force of the peasant amass, ends up having to follow their poured-in ideaology, which is that enemies are outside and all Chinese citizens, persons with the nationality China must be undoubtedly right and friendly.  Some artifacts had been looted by foreign invasion forces, foreign interest expediture forces, agents disguised as missionaries and so on, but the majority of directly damaged and deliberately damaged artifacts have done by the peasant mass who disguises self as ordinary Chinese, or as one of our fellow scholars and bright inventers.  Cultural revolution period (1960s) had demonstrated to us a vivid evidence of the grotesque inner demons inside of these peasants.  The potential hazard now seen (of theirs) could not be ignored or chosen to forgotten casually.  Few were perserved, and were faught by our lads at best to prevent thorough damage - many monuments had to be reduced damage, and seldomly would an violent spitter onslaught could be prevented.  Both the greatest destruction and the greatest number of destruction on the richness of Chinese cultures had been deliberately done by its own people, both, both records, then perhaps we ought to think these are not their own people but something else completely.

Allow we to break down the traits of the mass peasant having been said:
- mediocrism: mediocrism is at their central core, their focus differs from ours, tries to lame their way in.  Memorizes a set of easy words that sound right, and uses it to bait us to do the hard work, so they can control and hitch ride, and the rest

Wednesday 10 September 2014

Civil War in China Planning

Civil War in China is a likable option as that place is infested with bad policies plus bastard humans anyways.  What the Chinese has contributed to the world or has to offer has nothing to do with its bottom 95% population.  Almost all of the jade kingdoms' achievements and inventions, plus its creative capacity and all had to do with the elites and their friends.  And the bottom 95% of current population share little connection with them, if not hostility inbetween.  Suppose French suddenly took over southern China through territorial expansion, most of these population would remain alive, now walking in public boasting in the loudest capacity they can (about the only capacity they possess that's closest to goodness) that they are French citizens now.  While if Japan takes over, now they are Japanese, if German, now they have become Germans.  By then there would be no room and time for us to request an answer from them about: "hey what happened to your Chinese identity, are you Chinese now".  Their answer is expected to be something in the nature of "rubbish, shoo, you".

Never underestimate the wak is something I often remind to myself and others.  These peasant class of China may be not activately holding knives against us.  Soon they will if they get the opportunity.  We seem to still have this incorrect and heavily congested and contaminated social notion floating around here, that the most nice is someone that's weak, when in reality it's someone that can have the power to do harm but choose not to, and precisely not someone that can't do.  It's on the decision, and not on "strength level".

While there are many geniuses, creative minds, and wise thinkers and overall capable and charming people in China, the 95% of its population are in the definate-not class (DN-sub-human types).  Hopefully the Chinese government (Communist Party of China) can workout a common dream with us in this great rejuvanation of civilizations.  It's certain they would cooperate as soon as movies of spirited quality demonstrate to fellow intellectual minds that the truest enemy of all nations, all cultures had always been its much so called "own people".  Not only has history again and again proven this to be correct, but so do the social experiments which have become prevelent and stacked to a good quantity of records.

If countries are spending billions a year on giving welfare and handouts to strangers that completely hostile to us, then we might as well better to waste them to cows and breeding stronger monkeys.  The "#1" nation USA alone wastes nearly 2 trillion every year on people that are completely unrelated to them, including the evil wall street mafia gang members, by all fronts and spectrum perspectives.

The peasants of each nation are waging an active passive-aggressive war against all the founders of civilizations, the creative people, the poets, the painters, movie directors, authors, and many other.  They perform their passive-aggressions under the mask of total friendship.  Their trust is gained through actings usually, and seldomly direct statements like that of in elementary textbooks (direct phrases: "I am friendly").  Here are some samples how they earn trust through those mimikery and conveniently timed actings:
- spams a message condemning or cursing loudly at a murderer
- be shocked at the news story of 3 deaths in a bus crash
- dissing "other side" (ethnic, nationality, hobby club or political views) actively
- acting annoyed to any normal people
- any form of pressure
- sents out demands, but calls it talking, stalks person but calls it watching, seizes others comfort, and calls it giving advice (general malicious activities)

Let the theatre of USA from 1980 to 2014 demonstrate to all of us what the peasant mass's full capabilities are.  The rapid decline of prominent individuals in United States had been so vicious that the signs are obvious even under traffic nose and LCD and neon lights.  Samething has occured elsewhere too.  China being a nation with much more obedient passive-aggressives and much more craft passive-aggressives, it's probably less known.  Its larger intellectual-worshipper population also contribute to its lesser suffering from the rise of peasant masses, and of course-ly their assaults.

Their assaults are diverse and sophisticated in its own way.  The moral criteria in their boxes sits near zero.  If they can bank on police protection they will.  If it's "ok" to loot, they will loot.  And thanks to America's leading role in turning all states into socialism welfare-nanny-states, the peasants have learned to do much more advanced tactics.  I emphasize here that their abilities have become rapidly ascended in the last 30 years.  What used to be simply waiting for an opportunity to loot until it comes, now they work together in temporary teams, faking donations, and such to achieve the "eventual goal".  Moreover, not all of their moves are perfectly planned or calculated (though they may yell otherwise), and sometimes they make itchy choices (choices that's not suppose to be there, but are more of result of their itchy habit thing), and it's those itchy choices that often blow up their entire mass "team"'s cover.

Let their reaction pave way to itself's doom
      The peasants would probably see this article as a foul thing and declare it to others as so.  But then I am a person who has invented theory of relativity II? How can that be true then.

One of the bright objective of a major civil war in China is to assist in the transition from a welfare-pro-mass state to that of a bright proper one.  One in which noble people feel safe living. One that actually ensures low passive-aggression rates.  Until the stabled stage, slums will exist, mass population displacements will be there.  Small warlords are guaranteed none as it's no longer pre-radio state. While big warlords would be under our's planned moves.  Majority of the current mass peasant population will return to doom gates finally for good, while the remaining (if things reach this result) would be restored to their former glory (or inglory): slave class.

Again we have to remind ourselves here: the number of cathedrals, pagodas, cultural sites have only rapidly diminished in the last 200 years.  With this, came rise of louder shouters, unrul-ey strangers, and overwhelming flood of bigot peasant fools who put on a tremendous strain to the governments and the society itself.  83% of world's computers end up in those fiends' hands.  We perscribe to an alternative: all of Aryans having computers, and few of them do.

(more to come)


On Sheepleroaches [Sept 10, 2014]

- they act like they aer IexpectingI someone to get mad  (aer, another word for are)

if they expect someone to be angry, then they are telling someone to be angry

all sheeples roaches deserve liquidification, pay no delay

7 Strikes of Sheeples

- ignores prominent and creative individual completely

- while seems to declare innocence and complete legitimatecy on the other side of the river

- treats important individuals of society as if they are their equal or sometimes sub-ordinate, what's the intent and goals behind there?

- copycat, and only can copycat, but carries the attitude of "copycat, it's same level as invention"

- kidnaps our comrades, often the officer elites through dinner invitations, alcohol-forcing and various other utter sub-human maliciousisms that are exclusive to the traditional-bitchers of a sewage slum

- self openly dares to diss disabled people as retards, while it's as if very inmoral and injust and disaligned with logic and social profermance if the right same thing is done to them

- not sure if on purpose of half-on-purpose, every time when one of our guys plea for cooperation, they seem to do more beef, and focus on beefing in the underlying background


If their ill mental defect soft-bone hijacker behavior continues, then their existence will suffucate beyond their comprehension, however, also ful-well-ly within their comprehension.

Additional Tags:not follow righteous order,  thus no wonder so willing to submit,  if this thing has to report to them, and the expression, conduct, style of it defines whether it was reporting or simply notification,  then they are not our guys, and will suffer the consequences, in jail, in prison, on bar, without their chosen time,  meet the enemies,   if we gotta report to them on every task, then they are hostaging us,  and yet they dare to bother with this crap,  are they mad, go workout, they need it, and got the time for it,  worst yet is as we witness again and again, returning later and whines to government that they suffered,  yes, self-inflicted negligence,  not our strikes

Tuesday 9 September 2014

Problem with Stock Market Now

- meanwhile we've got the wall street operating their supposedly skill-depending game (stock market exchange) as if it's not hyper-rigged with the documentaries, claims of falsehood and minor cheats and whatnot
- we have a gigantic mass number of elected peasants that are very boosted by free education, civil rights privileges, purchasing power privileges, so on and so forth, on our backs
- as proven by recent experience, not only is the stock market no longer skill dependent, but completely rigged - 85% of the trades are bot trades, like a cheating poker game, while anyone that goes in and play will for sure have the price cheated just for them

And that's make things unacceptable.  These ones (the current batch of leaders) have gone completely self-destructive and mad.

Additional Tags:  tries to kill EVERYBODY,  while itself as a human, case closed,  |ok there, tag section transport, yes did, 

Justice Will Be Served

  • Aryan Nations have fallen
  • the place are over-run by thiefs
  • holocaust 2 is expected to return
  • placed on hold for these new generation wickedtards.
  • Treats self as some lord.
  • Never greets entering grocery.
  • The least ones to be arrogant,
  • yet calls that a pride.
  • Constantly pushing for zerg agenda
  • persistently showing false classification of humans
  • relentless at pretending friendly.
Expect total eradication of these fiend nonsense peasant zergers. Heil.

7 Continents
5 Oceans
1 Holocaust


Sunday 7 September 2014

Relevation Exodus 3:7 - Passive-Aggressivist's Activations

1) assault target by suffocating on opportunity
2) repeat on 1
3) upon counter-offensive received, proceed to cryout004.txt ("why are you attacking me, you will go to jail for that")
4) in case of verbal argument engaged, immediately proceed to repeated shouting /w no make-sense question snugged in middle so to generate delay
5) if opponent about to give right reasonable answer, immediately cover up with more victim outcries
6) if opponent on wrong track ever duringcourse, lock it onto the wrong path
7) scream to police in feign victim mode: scream out there has been a vicious assault
8) tell police it has attacked me, in manners which denote and imply the significant meaning that it will treat all this way
9) in such case of once in court, continue to play victim and describe a story in entirety on fraud basis, delivered in ways of endless spam
10) trump toward and emphasize along wrong accusation of court in any time of detection upon
11) laugh and hate on at the victim for messing with us, laugh at how it's been killed by us through we borrow the police for the knife


Wisdom 000357-118971

Saturday 6 September 2014

Blog Post Titled: A Belief's Extension

Personal Stance towards the New World Order (as of Year 5014, Sept 06th)

We came to knowing the Truth

- sheeples do: indeed they really try hard at making things about familarity.  They are in progress still, of pushing everything into familarity-based, and not true-skill based.  Objectives for that they do this include to generate work (empty work; "work"), justify their overpaid earnings and etc.

- military tradition is presently under attack in Virimia.  If it falls, then humanity falls.  This gets seldom defences, though somehow, which begs the question how come: turns out as the investigates reveal to us again and again: is precisely because the number of normal humans in actuality is simply not there.  The sheeps don't defend military tradition because it's not their tradition - when their welfare ends, watch they go protesting everywhere and all they can 24/7 with it, and does so in devotional manner.

Additional Tags:  |sheeple engine noise, |sheeple fuss, |on purpose, ditchful, b!tchwothy,  yes agreed, commander,  streets, concrete grey, noise on purpose,  mass stranger, zerg amass, fast typing, the pace, aspect restored, important for sleep regularity,  hehe, is*, pardon there, not relaly for' it,   setence improvement applied, side note, noting,  rapid fast typing generated blog post, good points, they are right,  speed production, the aspects, essence used, stones, pamphlets, cloths, rituals,  prayers, sanctuary, arcane sanctum, magic,  potions, elixir, metaphor, philosophy,  understanding, level of understanding,  milestone reached,  wisdom, tomes,  strength, knowledge, clan,  guild, we serve,   symbols of one's diety, alignment,  lineage,   abstract ideas, and metaphors,  logic-users, as oppose to,   aspect of hawk turned on, aspect of monkey, of tiger, of bear,  of boer, of owl, of eagle, of cheetah,  of falcon,  of wussynerds-defects,  hehe there,

Anti-Natural Order Social Imbalance 大否协调

— it's gotta to the point where we can no longer taunt and mock any of the minorities but having only the chance to say: see, theoretically I am richer than u

— the visible ziggers act like they are not suppose to be having these goods, while the invisible ziggers try too hard at claiming ownership over these items in every way

— about 9 out of 10 person in the world population count is a passive-aggressivist.  1 in 2 in top intellectual seat is a fraud and a camouflager specialist.  making chaos spawn everywhere as true guys follow trends on the preception that these are true people's true decisions, out of genuine, and zero ambiguity involved

"""""""""""" """""""""""" """""""""""" """""""""""" """"""""""""

Friday 5 September 2014

Supreme Allied Commander's Address

Sept 05, 2014, Friday
Minister of Civil Engineering
Office of Conrad's National Planning Institute

- I hope it's indeed a total unexpected mishap than orchestrated economic event.  The current U-level (utter level) imbalance of wealth distribution can be given the explaination that at first the level of dollar annual paycheck to college grad, high school, then science field workers was set-up correctly, and had considered the community circle that would be associated with each, while this went all unannounced and clearly stated in their writing, so then when 2nd generation new world order leaderships read back on the pamphlets, it was totally misunderstood, so they carried on with the written principles and went on with it making the policies and etc and so on.  It's a sound explaination as well indeed.
(in addition: this part may have also contributed to the material U-level imbalance: policies makers being folks that are well-read are prone to a disease they are not aware to: it's called logic's trap door. He who thinks in logic will often make the most silly basic mistakes as:
- logic has that weakness, it's not like sense, as realiable 100% of the time
- ones who read many books, which are who those national policy leaders are tend to have ego.  And egos tend to presume self can take on any role and task.  Themselves often be trapped by this commitment after partaking the position.  At sametime, would not realize until after repeated occurence.
- logic gives no warning signals on a dismoral decision, which again the leaders probably had underestimated of
- logical choices always sound logical until real experiments
- logic gives the illusion baitful belief that one is smarter because he made a decision when it's the one who is reluctant the stronger - like how the person that sneeze seem weaker than person not sneezing when often the latter is suffering from lack of defence systems in the body
    Suppose all the policy makers were more EQ-based, outdoor types, went outside and saw the real grounds, the people, examined based on visual as opppose to office-periods and judging by memorized terms and numbers, this U-level imbalance would've been prevented, which in turn may prevent a huge disasters bought by reprocussion of victims.
    Arrogance brings forth doom (to society) once decision making process gets pre-dominantly logic and less on senses (as oppose to senses, in other words). )

- The whole thing indeed would be a fair and reasonable choice judging by who the new world order leaders are (both generation 1 and 2 and so on) if by the time of 2nd generation the implied word "existing community would be at least guaranteed present as we predict which will balance out the 3:5 pay ratios"  was understood.

- Today, it's exact this lack of membership anywhere that causes and perputuals this un-self-healing social-economic imbalance.  People that see this and can come up with a reason to fix it are little next to few hundred people per large nation like USA at least.  Besides intelligence requirement which trumps out capable individuals from spotting and coming up with valuable ideas (whether whole or parts) to fix, there is also the political understanding bar.  Intelligent minds would be "drowned" in this maze and labryinth itself is in as it had gotten grew out of control and to far bigger size than original, while the mass moving fools around them generate noise  covering the surface of the reality further.  How the shrinking of membership and dissapearance of sales based on the person kept vortex-increasing on its own, happening in malls, happening in banks, in governments, in college merits, restaurants, customer treatment, business deals, bonus offers and nearly everything  has to do with the lack of care of this dictatorship government that does quite now seems like a self-inflictory lunatic, and not so much an evil lord cult.  With this rampaging spread of looking only and just only at dollar, and never incorporating the merits andor other factors like hair style, the person's membership, origin, background, hobbies or interests which had always been this way, the money mega fountain college degree mill centres which has been occuppied by the largest gang in the world - passive-aggresvist sheeple zerg roaches  in turn becomes boosted heavily by thousand tin-foil fold.

- Without a doubt, sooner or later the system would implode and many will be hurt, both innocent and guilty.  Unhealthy and dysfunctional lifestyle means temporarily boost and an long term doom.  This rule of nature applies to social structures as well.  I shall continue to work with the allies overseas in bringing friendship and harmony to this lost valley of curse.  We await for Putin's liberation, and the fantastic restoration of civilizations and its vital harmony which he so will also bring.

- negativity
=> are negativity not the source of all anquish, which the peasants all refuse to agree, while denies
=> root cause of all crimes can literally be traced back to negativity
=> this law should be found in constitution: negativity is the source of hate, that negativity is hate
=> suppose a crime case is solved, in negative manner let's say, then wouldn't the case still haven't been solved.  Historical accounts prove this at perfection speed
=> combat negativity I believe is to combat hate.  Once hate ends, all crime would seize.  If any substance non-other-than hate is blamed, then a thousand spongebob may be required to fight of attrition against the negative energy.  A humanoid that spreads negativity, that is a negative source, are a criminal.

- disencouragement
=> somehow, and for some reason, disencouragement is seen as disencouragement, especially if we interview those "ordinary people" (peasant zergs)
=> after decades of research, National Institute of Health have found that disencouragement is a form of threat, waged on by the mass million boosted peasant filth.  Disencouragement are death threats, on top of that, is a serious crime, having been reconized by Reichstag Courts.
=> disencouragement is a way of kill.  It is death threat, and always come from the passive-aggresivist phony self-looting delusional hateful so called ordinary people whom disguises well and possess poisonous abilities, as proven by evidence again and again.
=> disencouragement, contrast to what these enemies of civilizations say, the zergs, is not just a thing, or a word, a phrase.  It is a form of violence, a promise of deadly-ness.  They mean to ask person to "kill urself" each time it's a disencouragement.
=> and indeed how true - we can find each time a disencouragement is detected, we see how it's a promise of "I don't give a damn about u, go die" type of deal, a death threat given or received

- We, reconized as the strength type by Lorwin's Encyclopedia of Anthropology, have different sets of way of life as well as combat and defence mechanism abilities as the vile humanoids which are now in vast mass numbers.  The venomous peasant bunch can say utter rottening phrases with ease, and at any given time, so to speak.  Their deathly threat given to us are often in the "unsaying" format.  The grotesque fiend humanoid bunch will not say "I kill you tomorrow" type of deal, but will show it in its gesture, the conducts, the ill motions, which many of our folks in this Dominionlism regime often detect and has had a fair share of.

- Once the zergs, this largest gang, passive-aggressive, ignorant, delusional and ignorant virus-like vile humanoid 2-leg bunch become ultra empowered: they will move up the vile-psycho-cerebral blind ladder and be directly speaking their fermented ill-spits to us, as oppose to the current: often hidden in the gesture, in the tone, plus eyestare.  

- right now dares to says it out in the open to us, reverse doens't happen as willingly, it don't come from our side eh.  Plus, the zergs, they ain't gonna stop at that yet, today they half say it openly, tomrrow sure to be very openly.  I'd like to see them try though, meet our daddy helicopters of Russia-Ukraine-Latvia-Estonia-Poland alliance brigate perhaps, meh, heh.

- zergs have no excuses for their own failure

- zergs intitiate -what have we done to them, have we actively tried to stop them, have we.  Mistakenly side not ain't happen before yet, ain't it true

- zergs want us asleep, tackles vigilance

- but then we without vigilance means no soul, which means death,  hell no one would want that, pshh, hymf

- basically put and in summary: mass population ain't like what they tell us is a weaker version of us, these are a seperate type of humans: number-based, and void of morals.  Those defect cunts are everywhere now, no wonder Hitler doesn't get enough support.  Basically anyone that is anti-Hitler at heart, there will be no room for such proven non-true humans.

- we present, do things to show to them, to get satisfied, they ain't gotta satisfy us, who has, is become the boss in reality now

- while we see our guys in struggle, feeling the surpression and all, every time witness of them it's delight and joy.  symbolizing the sheer quantity of freebies they been getting - a monsterous royal treatment, thus also their utter grotesqueness how they manage to hide this inner feeling this long - utter mental defect humanoids that deserve the highest detests 

- we are literally living our lives to satisfy THEIR remarks.  some of our lads fail to match the EXPECTAtion.  and what happens to them we know..  what a show of "life" right there, for an innocent being

- purposely hiring zergs (non-beauty; ugly) humanoids; repeatedly demonstration of favortism and bias toward the vile human types             those banks.  to the levels that beautiful models do not bother to apply   <- reverse order right there,  cataclysm rift imminent then, bought

--- (left as draft, awaiting polish) ---

Motto of the Day


>  :  ]

Hitler, Your Sunshine in My Heart

(figure A: Hitler thanks cheering crowds at the Wall Street Grand Parade)