

Monday 24 November 2014

21th Century Plague - The Sheeple Danger

        The clueness fiendish sheeple amass bunch deserve to face total eradification.  Leading the role of passive-aggression since 1688, this bunch of bio hazard fuss killer-intent wits function on the basis of pure pudge-like slave-trader exploitor psycho freak, operates on trust-theft, discreditism, and other limitless widened fussful hate as well as traverses on the roads of long-distant remote seeking death coil of self-destruction.
Sheeples are against us in everyway, while are with their urination of fantastic freakish thoughts: their own delusional hate.
- exploited vulnerability of normal people at the time during school periods, exerted pressure
- the disencourgements are sheeple-tongued out as just words when in reality constitute death threats
- this mass fiendism type of looter and thugs conspire together during time of common desiree-ate
- currently are rich enough to live seperately, yet spoken no words of appreciation
- treated like kings and princes, yet zero report to us, instead perfection on the concealment of emotions
- participated on the wrong side of the war; assisted war criminals in bringing about their fantasy of a one world dictatorship
- hostile to all good persons which they could identify
- operates near the edge of the law
- discloses self as legitimate, and actions as moral if not epitome of righteous morals
- taunts in risky self-destructive manners and ways
- acts entire differently when officials are visiting
- overall, holds an absurd amount of intel data on the motions, tendencies, desires and info of aryan folks, as well as in two-faced proficiency and camouflaging values
- general exploitor slave-trader leechy behavior: the subject they eyed on are their romantic leech partners
- bad mouth of aryans, samurai culture, knights, military combat, military men and women, military traditions in a variety of shapes and forms
- hideous behavior on the treatment of their fellow sheeple mates: act as if themselves aren't together identical type of creature
- funding of supportive programs for cowardism
- participation of the hypocritizi non-violent passive-aggressive war on the normal humans
- [general dishonesty]
- [freakish psycho degeism]
- [sell-out of faith, dropper of honor]
- [proficiency in lying, and the ill-willingness to fraud]

The mass eradification panelty for sheeple amass, or the holocaust 2?  You decide, great leader.

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