

Friday 21 November 2014

It's That Simple

1.  85% of current world population total should be de-populated

2.  All peasant descendents are scum, including the ones seemingly nice and skillful (which thus often get interepted as worthy)

3.  All current established social notions that's absent in Legend of Zelda namely are all peasantry infested social notions

4.  All peasant sheeples are worthless and are scums.  Their lying abilities and trickster nature has made them be known as the vilelism strand of humanoid specie

5.  These realizations came at the costly expenses of numerous hopefuls and trust-based trials, all of which showed vivid signs that the sheeple roaches are worthless dishonesty-based junkies.  Henceward, there should be no exceptions in the military operations that would bring to their opportunity of ascension to heaven.

6.  Copycat specializations, algorithm skipping, local-narrow adaptation, and any form of extremism will result in the destruction of the softie barbarians applicable, in which to be held in adherance until easing of quantities, for which the life on thereby lives in, to which the jury indict the merry of, though which justice prevails in its vision on.  ha ha ha giggles        secret thinker murderous fiends


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