

Friday 21 November 2014

Green Toxic Flask & Words

Psychotic, mad, misinformed, out of touch, and old-aged (decayed), well that's our statesmen, those are the our politicians (not leaders) in control.

Well Sauron rules from above in psychotic ways and manner of which in its usual quiet manner, Aryan palaces and temples are getting invaded from 5th world peasants from all places and directions, also in various sectors: the job sector, the status sector, the influence sector, etc.

Besides all of this, simutaneously the invisible enemies: mass clever camouflager types of humanoids also had seen their true rise in the last 50 years.

On top of all-all of this, the knaves just has been upgraded in their decredit level.  

The what is now mass numbered knaves (knave males) are no longer marked as our potential friends, but rather as anti-progressional broodling fusswits, for the lacko of a better word there, nearly on the same side and banner as the sheeple amass.

Besides the mentinoed above, we have another enemy, which is also fairly invisible to many of our guys, which mainly thanks to the roothenchild mis-mis-info.  What is known to be the different looking innocent whom are often forgotten through selective memory, in reality are some of the most inreputable characters known to the world.  These soloist, a primal cause of hideous crimes viciously seek their empty fantasy of a perputual soloist-lethality-based society.

For the sake of analyzing only, and not for the sake of making excuses for those easy-side-with-evil terrorists:
        Monogamy, a primal source of hate and evil, in many ways plus in cultural perspectives, breeds the reducer type of mentality into many.  Whichever has a cap, the person would stop self-development while the desire to optimize doesn't end along with.  Reducing others come into play.

Whichever goes along the "society" (the maneframe) and seek to make a "living" (continueing their concept of "survival) through camouflaging ways are to be expelled.

While the hideousness of the sheeple roaches are needless of mention.  Though deserves some mention since their spells are polluted and sent everywhere, having been through minds of many.

| sheeple cancer
| sauron cult
| cult agents
| camouflagers
| knaves

| monogamy
| shufflelism
| soloism
| social chaos
| arrogance

In order for humanity to move forward, revival of the Reich comes first.

Two-legs without group coordination and team values are technically unfit. They used to be thiefs. In Roothenchild's system of today, they graduate.

Those without the spirit of sacrifice tend to behave in criminal manners.

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