

Friday 18 April 2014

Dorkism Exposed and Explained


- is like a cancer, can spread
- has been spreading for sometime now, started ramping up since 1940-50s

- ties in together close knittedly with many other current social issues and ongoing problems (epidemics)
- interlocked with many "glitches of the matrix"
- regarding/marking them as categori-wise one of those, an invisible type of foul entity, can help in explaining many interesting phenomenom observed/gathered that can't be explained thoroughly otherwise

- the dorks simply should not show themselves (even exist). That's the bottom line, the base of things, the fundation (the source of all things relevent to this topic/research)
- all inquiries and proper investigation done to many of the current social issues lead to the same cave (the same result for different testings)
- the dorks just simply should not show themselves even. It is their existence that's the fundamental thing (source), no matter how much themselves may passive b!tch-type claim otherwise indirectly
- this elaborates into: no participation in any public interaction, any tasks, jobs, positions, and such that would spread their "ideals", "preceptions" "perspectives" to the public, so on and so forth, should be allowed for these seemingly friendly, seemingly neutral-types of beings

- their actions have spread ugliness, in short
- they have consolidated illness, an inproper system in many ways
- they simply should not even show themselves, nor participate in any of social tasks basically. That's the bottom line
- had they not been admitted, or simply void of these types to/in any job positions, of any type, which can be achieved thourgh self-barring or self-deniance, wouldn't the society be overall a better place by now?
- they had refused to bar themselves from these positions, and doing those tasks. Remained hanged around society (central metro (zerg hives which r in reality) ) instead of moving to monatheries (which they belong to, needless to say that) is already considerable as a crime, let alone the additional dorkism ultra fuss they had generated/emitted/induced (almost wanted to say seduced there by the way, and imagine how good they are at seducing,  anyone (or anything) )

- which of these words are closer to than they are:
- beauty; handsomeness; stallion; righteous; brave; strong; confrontation; battle; warrior
- than these:
- wussy; pretender; actual unfriendly; harmful; dorky; whack; false perspective; self-insisting; onpopular; unpeople; disguiser; expert in camouflage; really good camouflage in actuality

Additional Tags:  family-based, heavenly order, righteous,  them doing er, erm anything is simply bad, that's the central point here, a central point, pardon, h'ere, yes, yeps,  concured,  unfit, sick growth,  yeah ok, keep claiming, really  good, expert pretender friendlies, camouflager, actuality, yes, in all notions, in actuality, these ones = invisible harmers,  one of those, aye, yeh, they r,  it does add up doesn't it if we take this perspective, point for now, for a while

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