

Friday 18 April 2014

Mein Remarks

✬✬✬✬✬ EXECUTIVE ✬✬✬✬✬

✧ this society, filled up with zergers, indecency, whack heads, cowardice, backdowners, uglines, viles, incompotent. Oh did I also mention: defectos, pretender friendly, grotesque passive-aggro imps and much more

✧ the status quo pretty much has been an ultra favortism and extreme awkwardly biased towards the one and only last remaining good and perhaps can have a future  group of living people on earth

✧ the dorks need and must return to their monetheries. It's pointless for them to be here. To do what, anything good - bound to be not.  Spreading ugliness, the amount they have done is effectively more, has been, than that of those much more visible uglines/incompotents/defecto/de-eficient ones

✧ stuck in Utopian lahlah-land sorta thinking, still doing those pointless stuff that actually isn't what matters in life - letting go of the fussy zergers and all sorts of entities that r plaguing, draining, contaminating and so on, while still stuck in the 1970 education model of a "nerd", basically put.  When it's time for them to "invent" and "for science", so ultra smart, sooo smart. When it's time to talk with our folks, suddenly so cautious. While talking to, pardon, mostly listening to soothing and trickster' tongue spews, ah, just becomes much dumb and splendidly unwatching (no alert system up)

✧ they r effectively being in the mode the zergers zerger-want: someone who treats the real struggle and competition for life at somewhere too high, and not at where it is - survival and economic-societial status. I don't want such wussy numb heads in this place. They clog us, they drag the good folks down into this ugly way of thinking/behavior by their sheer vigilance always at  where it's unnecessary!

✧ one big reason the good humans has never had even come to close chance of taking their robbed status back is 'cause not only do we have these obvious-on-sight visible enemies no matter the disguise and coloring, we've got a 5 time stronger portion of invisible foul elements that are so plaguing and sticking onto society and not letting go meanwhile being complete passive nonsense defecto sheep-like b!tch if not even occasionally popping up their vilelism toxin ways. And guess what, always toxic, best effort towards the innocent, and never an egg tossed to the real causers of any of this! Ha, good game. What a fairness we having
(I think this line puts it well) (condenser statement, yeah good, good good)

✧ these programmers, so called  and seemingly one of us drag us down through this seemingly.  Their ways get spread onto us. Their unhealthy ways, their ugliness, their grotesqueism basically put - aye, nailed right on - so well done, aye, nice.  haven't done in reality nothing for the societies except what they keep insisting in ever so clever expert-camouflaging ways. It's well-done, it's subtle, it has been passing under many of our comarde's radar for years, pardon, I mean decades, yeah!  These programmer way of thinking, which is category wussy, ye, highly, no doubt about that, yes, is basically this in essence: too indulged in escape-reality thinking; the utopian lahlah-land sorta type of feeling and way of life, thus. Yes. Treating the judgement and evaluation at a humanoid's worth at exactly what the zergers keep trumpetting and soothing to them and what they want them to believe: at whether a person's "score" is higher or not, whatever the score may be. When in all in all, in reality it's absolutely the, aye, the survival rate of a person that matters.  The sets of questions that needs to be asked should be: are they living well, do they have shampoo. Are they living in modern life style. Are they having secure life. It's these that matter! Not the fluffy cloud gimmery lahlah hooligan out of touch, out of the ground crap that they so believe in, like a frigging retarded fool, and spreadin' them to others, since they so believe it's right - so so believes.  These creatures, which are invisible zergers in a way, unfriendlies, have effectively dealt more damage to the righteous people than the visible, many fold more! And in many ways!   Basically not do right is who they are, yeah, yes, right   these ever so splendid so called "friendlies" and "colleagues".  If it weren't for dorky ultra whack 12 year camp system and its environment, everybody woulda came to arrive of these points written on their own, by themself, and not fail to reconize their true being/forms, even not yet so 'til this time, which is quite some years passed since 1980s, or 1990 periods.

- the real matter, real fight is at whether a zerger is at struggle or not - something they always, 'til now, fail to reconize, neither seeing that they even a zerger!
- how could they not reconize a zerger, or at least hold suspicion, no matter the circumstance, a normal would've seen it!
- these dorks, well for living up to the word dork, which means whack basically, has never seen anything right, thus can their actions be of an example? yet I dont see them qutiting and lending their position if they do have one to the more qualified candidate
- these, in many ways, are effectively one of those, yes, the zerger strands. Their faulty doing have done how much. Should I go say it in direct format, straightforwardly? Ok here it is: we lost many American cities without any of them done anything, that's enough evidence/hint ain't it. Perfect one.  I'd like to some day face them and let's see how they answer on international television networks.  (later parts of this point, later added, are)
- again and again, evidence surfaces and becomes visualblely showing that these ones have been the lesser smart, and are the dorks, and whacks. Thus the term nerd had been called on them many times, and many other words of similar usage, right?  Guess who is right now, thanks to these evidences surfacing, now they can't deny, though some are still, the really bad ones of those bunch, sheerly insisting,  upholding their whackism thoughts, to protect their whackism actions taken and future actions, all while doing it whackly, and whackly.  Heh, that's who they are I suppose - ain't it nice to have invisible fouls which r retards/dorks, and visible leeches coming at the core of civilizations and culture, the folks that are the standard bearer (the builder; inventer) of societies and human achievements?~

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#supportersOfUgly   #ugly   #invisible


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