

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Key Points About this Fight VS the Zergs

Firstly, we cannot emphasize more on the urgency and attention which needs be paid to this vital and important topic.  In conjunction with a refined method and a purified (cleansed of contamination) approach can this be solved which more so demands the right manner than more time spent

— the zerg don't care about anyone. Factually, not even themselves
— however they could continue to "live on" due to their ability to tell themselves, every other organ part a complete false reality, mainly
— with this overwrite of natural responses and demands shouted at the central core from the various departments, which are organs, metaphorically speaking here, the zergers had managed to cheat nature, resulting to their current form and landscape now
— the zergs will adapt, for logically they are a life form, and has non-basic intelligence algorithms/systems
— their usual habit is to denounce, silence and threaten anyone that exposes their zerg agenda, and often done so in dismissive manner, so as to not induce investigation into the case
— not for once, a single second these virus-like birth defect-started broodling entities had lived - not for a second once they had cared about other zergers, the environment nor even themselves 
— their teamwork resembles that of a rat-type: hordes of them will converge up seeking the same goal, and moment it's done or gone, the "team" is quickly disembled, resuming in their usual plotting against one another behavior
— this behavior of ever-so plotting against one another zerger, everyone else and even including themselves has served for centuries as a natural-occuring shield, from seeing their true nature - well covering their hideous bitchism conspiracist-like personalities - they had been conspiring together for years, with all other zergers of various geographical origins, and miraculous had been having the natural-occurence shield with them since the beginning - their only blessing we hope

— the moment their common desire is over, old hostility is resumed. This may make them look at all times to contamianted sighters especially as if they resemble us - each person is an individual and we all have significant and important varience amongst one another, for example one may like grape juice while the other is a magazine specialist - when by all measures, these are broodlings; in other words duplicates of the same original broodling, which now is likely already gone
— on closing remark: never overlook the pathetic, the so called weak. There is no such thing as friendly from a random stranger, some malicious off-race looking fuck, nor can there be a person with odd features that doesn't have some oddness abnorm characteristics and features in them.  Priority of any kingdom should be to fight evil, and abiding to this principle, the disgraceful biological freaks shall burn

Long Live Planet Earth, Long Live Freedom

We cannot wait for the day Earth truly be free!~

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