

Thursday, 6 November 2014

Opinion 46

   Passive aggression deserves fame.  It should be more publicly known.
   A real death threat wouldn't contain any of the clear statements.

   It indeed is true that the sheeples don't hate us, but that they will backstab us endlessly so.

   One thing that is true is: how not one true evil creature would state its own deeds, unless it's adaptation to this rule.

   Lesser skilled evil creatures gains the blessing for being unskilled.  Their lack of proficiency hides their true intent well naturally.

   Smarter people (actual smarts) track greater info, records wider detail, and remembers the properties of things as oppose to names and the nouns.

   Never forget the benefits of being an autonomous regurgitater, aka an citizen.

   Not all citizens are invisible sheeples, but all invisible sheeples are citizens.  Let this statement of logic be known.

The question can a man be a passive tempo-ed person and active tempo-ed is like asking can gold be water - somethings just can't be done.

    Those guys are not smart at all, below their sorta cakey claims.  Their explanation to questions regarding the human body tells stories as if the human body is robot body.  The material that makes us is more so substances called mystery, than simple substances like aluminum or rock.

        In today's days, the poisonous mushrooms walk up to a normal mushroom and says "you are not colorful enough, you've got to be me."  The brown mushroom looks up to it and says "I am glad I am far lesser colored than you are, lethality fiend."

• the so called programming is nothing but uglytized version of the original.  It is built by uglies, sponsored by uglies, and propagandatized by the uglies
• there is no such thing as a colorful mushroom being a colorful brown mushroom.  All normal people are bland colors, and not "skillful"
• just like vile creatures of the wilds, these humanoid types seek survival, and not how to win and strengthen.  These are traitors of the honor code, ones of which had unloaded the moral upkeeps for the sake of leaping out of incoming pain sent by the reaper - losers they indeed once were and still are, while their better types are no longer here to condemn them.
• vile creatures are barely there to survive, not to seek glory or fame.  This note implies that whoever seek glory is definately one of our guys.  With the exception being adaptation to this rule by the vile that is
• many regard the insignificant commoner as incapable in all areas, for their incapableness in their looks.  
• never underestimate nor overlook the weak. Jiggle a little, tap your feat, step forwart, step back, spin around, stare at them, once, twice, closely, take pictures of them.  Because weaklings don't exist in this world, decepticons maybe.
• this indeed may be a logical thing to do on creatures that are wild life by the way - it works on octapus, doesn't work on fish (oh wait, reversal that around)
• english language needs a bottom to top fundation downtune-retune-overhaul, as: scripting is called righting, scripture decoding is called reeding, and being ugly nerd going sophisticated vicious is called pro-gramming, and stolen items is called money, while hijack is called permission (there was one more then dozed off and could not remember-abra-kadada)

Monkey win, monkey sings, monkey doesn't like how jewels look.

> the emperor is indeed equal to the people (all other, all kinds of others that are alive and has residence & food) (including ones put to trial) (excluding ones falsely accused and such types of circumstancia)
> the invisible emperor however is miles upper level ahead than than the people.  In another version: the invisible emperor, however is indeed certainly much above than the population

> the king is indeed equal to the people
> the invisible king is indeed much higher to the people

> the king is indeed equal to the people and everybody else
> the invisible king however is indeed much higher than the people, and everyone else






It is true that two types of public person sheeples vote for: 
- persons whom they had identified as a fellow sheep
- or persons that are non-sheep but a clueless road traveller, so to speak

Speaking Mandarin and English both attractively can be an near-impossible task.  It's a feat worthy of prizing and renown.

The two languages confront and expel each other like fire in a cup or water in an inferno.

• logic doesn't work on the insensible
•• inlogic has worked more efficiently in clinical trial
••• one can say logic deals 0 damage to the senseless
•••• and that they are immune to logic
••••• inlogic moves deal minor to moderate damage to them
•••••• while language of pain deals critical damage - it's ultra effective

Quick Tweetverbs that are Relevent to Today's Life
1. It indeed might be true that the dumbest creature on earth has been these two-leg porkies, the lams
2. Fear deals enough amount of damage before the weapon arrives
3. Egotists frown and hate at proves that they failed to capture or reach ego
4. Happy people frown at no happy place
5. Weeds grow on rubbish
6. Flowers grow on soil
7. Trees can eat water on its own
8. Meaningful life involves art
9. Survival unlife involves gains
10. Empty stomach wants food
11. Empty minds want nothing
12. Empty confidance want accomplishments
13. Versatile is lesser at narrow areas than lethality
14. But greater as a whole person
15. Like how mountains are greater than the tower that's taller
16. Parts of a team don't function well by themselves
17. Gotta be an hell-angel to endure hell

– reason we had not gotten a kingship is because Washington was a puppet
–– if a man don't fight, then he is something or someone's peach
––– recongnition trumps successful deception
–––– to be a deception is to be an depender
––––– dependers play the inactive and passive role which makes them lesser
–––––– noblemen run slower than the scoudle
––––––– gentlemen stumbles at trying small-man slippery tonguing
–––––––– the noble fail at contest of great ugly
––––––––– most humans in this land are bucktards
–––––––––– rage and shouting that don't lead to a solution need re-routing
––––––––––– love used to be the currency we exchange
–––––––––––– now it's digits, aids, scripture, gossips, etc.

To call stealing making money is to offend God.
To call innocent criminals is to call upon Zeus.
To name thiefs as legitimate cirizens is to taunt Jesus.

One day, all 7 continents, 253 countries will be bought together under the single banner: Sons of Jesus.  I will train my dogs to operate missile centres and drive trucks.

This pope looks like the happy pope.
The earlier one looked like the evil pope.

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No one is right, we are in the struggle for world domination.  So far no one had beared far achieving it. But soon it will be me and my forces.  It's an ancient battle faught long ago re-played in the testament of time once more.  The characters and outcomes, including major events are identical, while the technological available resources has changed.

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Kindness people don't force on others.

A perfect comparative example of this is great movies vs cynical classrooms.

Those are great identification tags to run policies onby, though the evils may adapt.

- ghd, codename for my "father", my "father" gets me mad
- generally its talkings are not preceivable as incrediblely nonsense
- at that instance of occasion it was so obvious
- who is this guy and what is it doing, what does it wants to do
- since it's a depletion of me that may go unheard, I have to state this
- much drain, much exhaustion, others may never have to go through this
- if a strategic and tolerant person like me can't stand it then ghd is way too wrong
- even upon ly's return, its language was never made sense
- yes it does seem like ghd don't put effort into trying to talk more proper, and right


Zergers will have their social privileges, civil rights, water, food supply, eletricity and residence permit shut.  No one in this world would sympathize with them seeing them all broken-ed down by then.

Superstitions are not guides for life.  Let God's gospel drive us to our goals!

Superstitions, not so super.
They get generated in one's head, unsuitable to be used as guidance for life.

Delusions help one dodge painful realities.

While realism thinking leads to incredible innovations, hence technology.

We are not adults, we are bigger kids.  Let's be real here for a while

I kid no one about this, I support sheeple farming.

To me, war and incidents are spectacles, not events to dodge.

To a maggot sheeple, McDonalds is far more important than poetry.

Poisonous lords talk too good of an "english".

Bogus words are everywhere in Roothenchild-infected English which they call it English as if Londo English it ain't the real English.

In a world filled with scammers and deceit, if one is winning he may not actually be, if one is tieing he may also not be, only when he is absolutely overwhelmingly winning did he absolutely in no area gotten scammed.  This philosophy goes to say that any authority that conducts deceit in any population may indeed be the population's population at times, so to speak.

The complexity shoe goes like this:
     Can't the winners feign victim at any place and at any time.  How can we tell? How could we tell which side actually won, hehe.

Dishonesty Humanoid Specialists
— I do not expect the dishonesters to tell us this
— honest and dishonest are distinct two groups of species
— one can be one of the two split path, not both at the same time
— likewise, a dishonest person can't become an honest one, nor the vice versa
— it'd better to not let them go
— even better to append them on sight

Wussy duck humanoids talking loud in public technically should be a death sentence worthy offence without parole with full accompances.

Most peasant humans in this world are mental patients.  They operate differently dransticantly from all normal creatures.

Monogamy had ensured a steady supply of all kinds of fugly males to each of their differences in variety of shape size and forms.

Most men of today, as of year 2014 A.D. are useless and quite cuntish.  These also happen to be vilelism worshippers.  They operate on vile and doing/using including and up to bitches' ways.

Most peasants today are only around because our governments are currently in the hands of a narrow group of males who calls themselves zionists.  The zionists are under control by the sheeple amass while carrying the belief that it's themselves cleverly grasped total control.

Question: What do you call someone who is skillful at many things but lacks heart?  

Answer: That would be known as a freak, or a lolloweel if you are from New Denver.

Q: What's an easy way to find someone whether they are inproper or not?
A: Check to see if he is a fan of Hitler.  If not, get its ID.  The nest of hairy rats will be confineded by the state.

Q: How many good people are in this world?
A: It's as many as God wants there be, and as little as Civilization (game) players.

Q: You have said that many males of today are junk, is this true?
A: Yes, those guys are xy chromosome defects, while themselves act on a set of delusions they had told themself.  In addition to that, having a dege society, all kinds of enemies of progress and righteous order are expected.  Though they aren't the most numbered enemy currently as of yet, with the zergs and mass shrimp sheeple deges ahead of them, they never the less could deal formidable force right now to Israel and to the people of Israel.  (I am not an Israeli citizen, but it's a word I like to borrow to make sentences sound right.  Some words are borrowed from other places, to improve my lyrical miracles (my songs; singings) )

Remember my people of Israel,
Hamas survives by sabotaging and causing destructions.
We survive by creativity and innovation, 
by the virtue of god,
by the fortitude of our spirit,
by the grace of the angels,
and by the path of the light.

While the 5th world zergs survive on desperation 
and mindless attempts.
While the vilelism specialists survive on
inviting us to dinner, to offers and events,
communicating with us under various guises
and noise levels to channel their trickeries.
While the mass deges survive solely on
getting their local authority whichever it may be
's to believe that they are good, and all else candidates 
are bad — the whales are bad, dolphins forget about them,
lions will eat you, tigers ignore them, elephant's friendship, that doesn't exist,
dogs can't be our equal, cats seem to be inferior, rhinos hate us so much,
bears dislike our looks, so on and so forth.

0  let's be kind here, the roaches are actively seeking the demise of Israel
0  they want to see us do bad, they want to see us underperform
0  they hate us, as much as they hate themselves
0  sheeples are natural softie cunts, they manipulate
0  poaching, trapping, doing setups, and hostage takeover is their usual abilities
0  dramatisement, gossipping, faking sentences and emotions is their thing
0  these r survivors, of tremendous sufferate, than they r normal life forms
0  at a time when foul behavior and traits like greed is deemed as right, the sheeples goes along with it
0  upon getting lucky, everything they do nearly is to attempt in tricking us into believing they are skilled and was full skill that bought them here

6+7 = 13
6 + 6 = 12
6 6 6

3 Proverbs of the Day

There is no hurry like pregnancy.  Being that way is already the optimum "hurry'.  It cannot go further, for there is a limit for things.

For those that tell strangers to be careful with stock market, they are rather cynical if they indeed know the profitable ways - it's an move of dishonest person, and hence inreputable and inqualified (to be in society) character.  股票不是一个能careful的东西。它是什么时候因该碰都不碰它,而不是什么能careful还是什吗。这是它游戏规则所造成的条件。

Nothing is worse than having a whole some of monogamy-bred 2nd grader males in anyone's group.  For some odd reason, they especailly like to stick to our groups.  They constantly give out negative stories upon negative telltales, meanwhile when things actually are blue for us, they never come visit and reinforce us.  Such males deserve abortion, out of the womb, out of the society next time!~

• sheeples can't create, but they can copy
• sheeples can't inspire, but they can misinfo
• sheeples can't innovate, but they can pretend
• sheeples can't form unity, but they can protest in numbers
• sheeples aren't capable of earnings, but they can siphon and trickery
• sheeples can't fight by strength, but they can fight by poisonous ways
(the above entries self above another)

- sheeples like to incorporate its doings under tasks
- sheeples like to purposely generate complexity so there is room for trap placement
- sheeples akeen to uglytize places so it can swim better
- sheeples need doors and walls to play hide and sneak, as well as desolation and others
- sheeples sold off honor, grace, respect, virtue, moral upkeeps for "survival"
- sheeples like to give out misinfo represented as just an advice, doing the 50/50 thing often

poop boob moom noon toot voov lool goog zooz

/// a bad human is usually dishonest
/// an dishonest human cannot be an honest one at same time
/// the reverse holds
/// pretending to smile can be viewed as dishonesty
/// a lie is when the intent is to lie
/// all depends on the intent, and not the action
/// action itself means subjectivism as butcher and surgeant uses same motion
/// the ones whom had spread that false definition or intrepretation likely were a baddie
/// any civilization has no room for dishonest humanoid types, we do not accept such
/// dishonest character means the person is bad, plans to do bad, and is fundamentally natured bad
/// while honest people could never traverse in their way
/// dishonesty is doctor's number recommended indicator for criminal decay

poop boob moom noon kook voov toot goog zooz

tags:  get back here and serve thee hungry cusdtomers,    additional tags, had to transport some of them here,  space limit, number of letters in total limit, yeah, via, for, else, where, to, worth, wof, water, wave, studios, wolfwater,  dynamic, static,  spanish, spaniard, dutch, france, italy, milan,  languages, diversity,  knighthood, castle war,  oh yeah snowball fights,  icecream tuesday,  lollipop, roflichoppah,   sticky gooey passive-aggressives must be amendo-ed, fertinto, ladindo, and vetagorakogonno, I speak spanish now, lol,  anyways, war is on us,  may the faith be with you, always, comradens,

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