To whom whose life conditions may be at stake,
I must warn that if the current sheeple-favortism trend which is an anti-social policy continues, then a cataclysm defeat will arrive to all of these delicious bacterias. What will happen to the enemies of humanoty may be inconclusive well within the range of epidemic-sized torture executed in ways without any form of concious or faith.
The pro-sheeple welfare feeding tubes in unequal opportunities, unequal education, unequal financial status, social status, safety, material resources, comfort and others must exit the society immediately. Or an terror storm may be forth coming in the soon future.
Those who cannot do samurai work is not someone who has tried but is just plain weak at performing those chores. They ain't contain slightest passion in them - the fiend softy humanoids are interested in something else - that's the reason due to their weaker levels at the chosen skill to examine. It's time for these cancer & vilelism humanoid types to receive nature's obliteration & torment.
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