

Sunday 23 November 2014

Current Situation Report - 世界总报表

1.  while societies, the streets, blocs, theatres, malls, offices, buildings are filled with passive aggressive specialist mediocrism peasant-elected vile humanoids, academia had became littered with vicious and psychotic fraud intellectuals if not cowards
2.  50% of 1960s born males were wussies, the birth defect type, today, the number for 1990s generation is close to 98%
3.  on top of that, not to mentiont their increased vile behavior as well as hostility toward the remaining samurai noble men which are close to non-existent numbers
4.  mass sheeples drag us down with their ill ignorant decisions, their "choices", everything, all the general fuss altogether
5.  while the cowards drag humanity, morals, virtues, ancestry strength and nearly all aspect down with their dodge of all confrontations and the decade old enhenced coward vile-do reflexes of the mouth
6.  straight forward speaking, the number of true white men that actually authentic is close to 0 for my generation.  A number of factors had bought to here which by itself is a great topic.  
7.  while the number of fake outsiders & birth defects that call themselves as white man has skyrocketed in the last 70 years.  They saw growth in all areas: wealth, status, opportunity, public connections, basic needs, water, heating, shampoo purchasing rights, fast food access and luxury
8.  yet the CNN roothenchild executives still mention about ISIS, making the whole thing look more a sick joke that was spoken blindly by mistake
9.  the entire knight class of men, which barely exist by now, and are much weakened are facing the much empowered, elevated and highly boosted clan of coward males who just wish to dodge and play pretend games like b!tch with us throwing all problem solving plans away but to cheat/cover their own security that's as big as a bottomless pit hole, plus the mass gang of hairy rat-like passive aggressives known as the sheeple amass.  If that's not enough or done yet, there is the fraud intellectual specialists, all unkinds of monogamy-stemmed broodlings we have to deal, as well as the faker specialists type of humanoids.  The list of villains is longer than a busy lady's grocery list.

One thing we hope the least is to see New World Order cut us some slack.  Provide some relief

(edit:  mention*, is*)

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