

Sunday 16 November 2014


I)  Let money roll into bigger money, and more money into capitols.  Big money matters in life, it's good to have lots and lots of wealth, which money closely translates of

II)  The often move of protesting the current money system by dodging it all together may not be as good as the lesser naive choice: changing the rules of the game so one can earn big bucks

III)  Money rolls into more money much easier once it reaches levels of prestigious amount.  This works especially dues to the mechanism of how being the few capable of buying large sums makes one easier to get better deal, have more bargain power over the asker plus lesser supplier of this instant large sums one can pull out and provide.  One thing sure to look out for now (once rich) is the structural integrity of this money beast thou hast grown, more specifically the prevention of bubble growth - a bubble collapses instantly on itself, while a snowball has to melt slowly

IIII)  Fight the paradox of nature, overcoming it, its timing and all, is a hidden part of nature.  What gets big may gain new weaknesses that contridict the initial momentum which gave force for this growth, while being too happy may be a fallacy all in itself, and etc.

IIIII)  Having had selected an abundant of possibilities differ fundamentally from bumped into something and stuck with it, despite their seemingly (resemblance) visual appearances

VI)  Local optimization done in the past often allowed the creature to escape extinction or made love to better partners, however may catch up to them devestatingly in the end upon some changes of the before-normal.  Perfect fitting example, a small example: fishes get trapped by fish trappers

VII)  The mind indeed has the power to let (control) the body to perform the otherwise notwilling therefrom accomplish the otherwise impossible.  However, the opposite side should be paid attention to, and seen with foresight, for there is a mirror version of the great positive accomplishments.  A man with great mind control of his body can overcome its existing locked behavior so to speak to achieve great things, so can he also do the most terrible & destructive.  The mirror dark side of this accomplishment and "great ability" should be seen.  This relates to the proverb often said by the sages: the number 1 sin, this cause of trouble, for many "smart" (brain-centra; brain-based) humans is that they have too much mind.  Though this allows them to open/skip pre-existing rules of natural play therefrom seemingly give them an edge, the mirror version may indeed backfire at them causing overall net loss in the long run - the negative side of mind-overwriting ability has already occured - what other insane things haven't they (the cerebralites) done

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