

Thursday 20 November 2014

Wrongdoing Volumn I

Additional Tags:  ok tag section got full meant to say, those two lines originally inteded were, tag section a bit not related,  and,  later would be re-arranged,   I hope folks can interrept it, or nah, rather I hope no one reads it, hehe, or try t0 interept it,  tag section,  file names, copy and pasted,  folder transportation, route,  metaphor, far, near,  wind, sky,  philosophy,  got-a-mention,  passive-aggressives,  the pazis,    dishonest liar humanoids got it through, and got empowered through sch00l (of roothenchilds), what do we d0,  asks God,    |do nothinger taint belongs no where near the societ-ey, in which we live in infamy,   the mighty, the mighty gang of birth defect psycho rats,   hair balls,  `mass KFc energized, and shampoo-lified, boosted, mass peasant,  do-nothing attitude developed,  fear no one attitude dveloped, police protection,  difficulty, hinder, the number 1 gang,  new ruler of the streets,  fear to accidentally bump into them 'cause they will start random fuss, (and it would be) using the KFC energy yeh,   zei dou dao chu dou shi, passive-aggressive professionals, critical number reached, it's not like they are starting to roll in,  expecting zei to expose themselves (question mark),  state of current conditions, govs are blind or something, ivory towered themselves, locked temselves in, thinking shut off stupids outside,  there are no weaklings in this world, actually,  decepticons, though maybe,  gliding across the limits of these algorithm paper-laws,  laws that backed up by paper, some pen, & neatedly typed or written, though hoepfully written scripture,   thiefs spending, devotes large portion of their boosted elevated time to combat the innocents,   reached kuang de level,  hyper evolved zerlingss,  metaph0r,  the worms of 2 -legs type,  frankenstein, cerebral, alien, broodlings, brooders,

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