

Monday 24 November 2014

"Perhaps soon will be the day those rigid obtuse pretenders get found out" - Street Rogue, Zavir Denar

(figure 1: look out, it's departmenterization, aka divide and dictate)

Say the least, if every politician was some kind of musician or artist, the 2nd socialist revolution would be done by now, and the world would be free by now.

Too many zerg propagandas lay around: the so called zerg constructed concept of non-aggressive, non-violent, and the defensive creature types.  Is there such a thing in this world as defensive fiend, can we find a defensive goblin?  All goblins are aggressive otherwise they would not be goblins.  The element is in heavy association with the name: goblins.

The stock market scam scheme has gotten too large of a emperor's nude clothes for the sheeple amass (plus the normal amass) (plus the faker attitude intellectual (barbarico wanna-bes) ) to admit.  It (this quasi-stone-bubble) will either be devestating cliff fall level of shame they face, or they will fight on whatever in trying keeping it.  They will do this also the the sake of satisfying self through while - daily and regular intake of self-made (self-delusionized) ego is needed.  
(in a way, mightly so, one could say the roothenchilds are the manifestation of their arrogance)

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